This repository contains a structured path to learn and master various aspects of cybersecurity. Each folder covers essential concepts, tools, and practices. Explore the topics to enhance your skills in ethical hacking, penetration testing, and cybersecurity fundamentals.
Disclaimer: All content is for informational research, learning, and exchange purposes only, to be used in a lawful and compliant manner. Thank you.
Gathering intelligence using publicly available information.
Deep dive into NMAP, a powerful tool for network discovery and security auditing.
Explore the art of manipulating individuals to gain access to information or systems.
The go-to operating system for security professionals.
Understand phishing attacks and learn how to defend against them.
A comprehensive guide to penetration testing practices and ethical hacking principles.
Tools and techniques used for password recovery and auditing.
Password cracking and its ethical implications.
Capturing and analyzing network traffic.
Identify and exploit vulnerabilities in web applications.
Leading web security testing tool.
Explore sophisticated methods and tools for penetration testing.
Guide to utilizing Unicornscan for advanced network scanning.
Offensive tactics and strategies used in penetration testing.
Overview of the PTES framework for structured penetration testing.