Everest Smart Chain is a scalable, high-throughput Proof-of-Stake blockchain that is fully compatible and interoperable with Ethereum. It's built using the Cosmos SDK which runs on top of the Tendermint Core consensus engine.
Our documentation is hosted in a separate repository and can be found at docs.everestchain.net. Head over there and check it out.
Note: Requires Go 1.20+
For prerequisites and detailed build instructions please read the Installation instructions. To Quickly Spin up a validator Node or a Full Node below steps are Enough
#Ubunto 20.04 Prefered
# Install Dependicies
apt install jq make bc gcc
# Install golang
curl -OL https://go.dev/dl/go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -C /usr/local -xvf go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
nano ~/.profile
#add the below in the last line on /.profile
. . .
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
source ~/.profile
#clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/EverestSmartChain/EverestSmartChain
cd EverestSmartChain
make install
# once make finishes your binaries will be avilable in /root/go/bin/
# Create EVT keys prior starting the Chain , Assuming you are inside the Directlry where binary is i.e /root/go/bin/ (replace your-identifier-name with any name you like)
./evtd keys add your-identifier-name
#initialize the chain
./evtd init your-identifier-name --chain-id "evt_8848-1"
#Once the Chain is initialized some files will be generated inside /root/.evtd/config/
# We need to Supply the Original genesis.json file prior starting the chain
#empty the genesis.json file present is /root/.evtd/config/genesis.json
#Copy the content from https://github.com/EverestSmartChain/EverestSmartChain/blob/main/samples/genesis.json
nano /root/.evtd/config/genesis.json
#Edit the Config File and add peers
nano /root/.evtd/config/config.toml
#one the Line where it says persistent_peers add "aef9fffffb810933b6131416aa2cf221870a7e89@"
#Start The chain and Let it Sync
./evtd start
Or check out the latest release.
To learn how the Everest Smart Chain works from a high-level perspective, go to the Protocol Overview section from the documentation. You can also check the instructions to Run a Node.
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For additional instructions, standards and style guides, please refer to the Contributing document.