1403 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
✨ New Features
- [FEAT] add flag to use multithreaded io for parquet_read_table @samster25 (#1298)
- [FEAT] Add Retry Mode, connection timeout, and read timeout to S3Config @samster25 (#1293)
- [FEAT] [New Query Planner] Add optimization framework and
rule. @clarkzinzow (#1284)
👾 Bug Fixes
- [BUG] Fix semantic merge conflict @xcharleslin (#1286)
🧰 Maintenance
- [CHORE] Move schema construction under LogicalPlan construction @xcharleslin (#1290)
- [CHORE] Implement growables for array types @jaychia (#1287)
- [CHORE] Unify indexmap versions and bump to 2.0.0 @xcharleslin (#1291)
- [CHORE] Refactor Series downcast and LogicalArrayImpl @jaychia (#1289)
- [CHORE] Pass in file size and num rows to Rust query planner @xcharleslin (#1282)