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Add zh_TW language file
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ShiinaSekiu committed Aug 17, 2024
1 parent e1b89a1 commit befc4af
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 0 deletions.
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions src/main/languages/zh_TW.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
language-name: "中文 (台灣)"
profile: "配置"
notification: "通知"
chip: "晶片"
setting: "設置"
free-space: "剩餘空間: %s"
download: "下載"
install: "安裝"
delete: "刪除"
enable: "啟用"
disable: "禁用"
edit-nickname: "更改暱稱"
device-selector: "選擇讀卡機"
refresh-devices: "重新整理設備列表"
refresh-card: "重新整理卡片資訊"
show-details: "顯示詳細資訊"
match-case: "區分大小寫"
whole-words: "符合全單字"
regular-expression: "正規表示式"
to-notification: "跳轉至通知"
to-profile: "跳轉至配置"
search: "搜尋"
process: "發送"
remove: "移除"
select-all: "全部選擇"
cancel-selection: "取消選擇"
batch-select: "批次選擇"
selected: "已選擇: %s"
edit: "修改"
copy: "複製"
copy-key: "複製鍵"
copy-value: "複製值"
copy-key-and-value: "複製鍵和值"
download-profile-title: "下載配置"
matching-id: "Matching ID"
confirmation-code-required: "需要確認碼"
confirmation-code: "確認碼"
specified-IMEI: "指定 IMEI"
process-install-notification: "發送安裝通知"
process-delete-notification: "發送刪除通知"
process-enable-notification: "發送啟用通知"
process-disable-notification: "發送禁用通知"
and-remove: "並移除"
edit-nickname-message: "請輸入一個新的暱稱"
notification-remove-message: "你確定你想要永久性的移除這個通知嗎?"
profile-delete-message: "你確定你想要永久性的刪除這個配置嗎?"
operation-success-title: "操作成功"
operation-success-profile-download: "配置下載成功"
operation-success-profile-delete: "配置刪除成功"
operation-success-notification-process: "通知發送成功"
operation-success-notification-remove: "通知移除成功"
operation-failed-title: "操作失敗"
operation-failed-error: "我們遇到了一個錯誤"
operation-failed-stage: "Stage: %s"
operation-failed-info: "Info: %s"
operation-failed-type: "Type: %s"
operation-failed-check-the-log: "請檢查日誌以取得更多資訊."
operation-failed-select-device: "請選擇一個設備"
empty-tag: "<空>"
not-set-tag: "<未設定>"
deleted-tag: "<已刪除>"
eid: "Eid"
default-SMDP+-address: "預設 SM-DP+ 地址"
root-smds-address: "SM-DS 根地址"
edit-default-SMDP+-address: "修改預設 SM-DP+ 地址"
edit-default-SMDP+-address-message: "請輸入一個新的 SM-DP+ 地址"
manufacturer: "生產廠商: "
unknown: "未知"
secure-element: "安全元件: %s"
certificate-issuers: "證書簽發機構"
open-external-link: "打開外部連結"
processing: "正在處理"
initializing: "正在初始化"
complete: "完成"
profile-get-list: "取得配置列表"
profile-enable: "啟用配置"
profile-disable: "禁用配置"
profile-download: "下載配置"
profile-delete: "刪除配置"
profile-edit-nickname: "修改配置暱稱"
notification-get-list: "取得通知列表"
notification-remove: "移除通知"
notification-process: "發送通知"
get-chip-info: "取得晶片資訊"
lpac-not-found-or-invalid: "lpac 執行檔遺失或不可用\n請將 lpac 執行檔放在 %s"
lpac-output-not-captured: "未捕獲到 lpac 輸出資訊"
profile-drop-here: "拖曳啟用碼文字或二維碼圖片到此處"
download-drop-here: "拖曳啟用碼文字或\n二維碼圖片到此處"
to-auto-parse: "以自動解析"
ac-parseing-failed: "解析啟用碼失敗."
about: "關於"
runtime-version: "執行時版本: %s"
VM: "VM: %s"
language: "語言"
open-language-folder: "打開語言資料夾"
log: "日誌"
open-latest-log: "打開最新日誌檔案"
open-log-floder: "打開日誌資料夾"
backend: "後端"
lpac-version: "lpac 版本: %s"
open-lpac-folder: "打開 lpac 資料夾"
libeuicc-apdu-debug: "LibEuicc APDU 除錯"
libeuicc-http-debug: "LibEuicc HTTP 除錯"
behavior: "行為"
appearance: "外觀"
emoji-design: "表情符號風格"
auto-night-mode: "自動夜間模式"
system: "系統"
disabled: "禁用"
daytime-theme: "日間主題"
nighttime-theme: "夜間主題"
core-themes: "核心主題"
material-ui-lite-themes: "Material UI Lite 主題"
collection-themes: "精選主題"
native-themes: "原生主題"

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