This project aims to generate an ABM using epiworldR to do scenario modeling of measles.
An ABM in which we pass the following inputs:
- School size
- If it is elementary/mid/high school (three different models)
- Seed cases
- Vaccination rate (which we would pull from DHHS)
- Population distribution (gender/age/etc) (we may need to do some lit review on this).
- Checklist on what interventions we would like to execute (TBD).
As outputs (with/without the interventions)
- Number of cases as time series.
- Severity of the outbreak in terms of $$$ (Rich team will help).
- The impact in how much time kids are taken out of school.
- Generate some baseline figures of these statistics.
- Immunization dashboard by Utah's DHHS:
- Measles disease plan by Utah's DHHS:
- Contact tracing model (contact_tracing): Contact tracing is performed and not all unvaccinated individuals are moved to quarantine.
- School quarantine model (school_quarantine): There is no contact tracing and all unvaccinated individuals are moved to quarantine.