It's open source project providers fundamental product and user management.
url: ../user/register | POST
{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "", "password": "123456" }
if there is no user 201 (Http Created) other case already user 409 (Http Conflict)
url: ../user/login | POST
{ "email": "", "password": "123456" }
200 (Http Ok), if token value -1 is user unauthorized.
url: ../user/verify/{token} | GET
User verify with email.
200 (Http Ok) will other requests sending user token.
url: ../products/add | POST
{ "name": "New Product", "price": 60.00, "stock": 30, "category": { "id": 1, "name": "Man" } } MultipartFile[] product images.
200 (Http Ok) and productlist
url: ../products/{productId} | PUT
Product Object
200 (Http Ok) and productlist
url: ../products/{productId} | DELETE
Product id send on url path variable.
200 (Http Ok) is product edited.
url: ../products/{productId} | GET
Get request also if there is no productId all products. ../category/{category_id} products of category.
200 (Http Ok) product, category and productlist
url: ../products//images/{productId} | GET
Product id send on url path variable.
200 (Http Ok) is images of product.
url: ../categories/ | GET
native get request. /categories/{categoryId} -> related category response.
200 (Http Ok) and category list.
url: ../categories/add | POST
{ "name": "Category" }
200 (Http Ok) and category list.
url: ../categories/delete/{categoryId} | DELETE
delete request with path variable is categoryId
200 (Http Ok)