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Change poetry to uv
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ElliottKasoar committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent b603535 commit 6680b76
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Showing 3 changed files with 153 additions and 149 deletions.
119 changes: 58 additions & 61 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,34 +12,35 @@ jobs:
python-version: ['3.9','3.10','3.11','3.12']

- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}

- name: Install poetry
run: pipx install poetry

- name: Install python dependencies
run: |
poetry env use ${{ matrix.python-version }}
poetry install --with dev --extras all
- name: Run test suite
# show timings of tests
PYTEST_ADDOPTS: "--durations=0"
run: poetry run pytest --run-extra-mlips --cov janus_core --cov-append .

- name: Report coverage to Coveralls
uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2
parallel: true
flag-name: run-${{ matrix.python-version }}
file: coverage.xml
base-path: janus_core
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}

- name: Install uv
uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v3

- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
run: uv python install ${{ matrix.python-version }}

- name: Install dependencies
run: uv pip install . --all-extras

- name: Run test suite
# show timings of tests
PYTEST_ADDOPTS: "--durations=0"
run: pytest --run-extra-mlips --cov janus_core --cov-append .

- name: Report coverage to Coveralls
uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2
parallel: true
flag-name: run-${{ matrix.python-version }}
file: coverage.xml
base-path: janus_core

needs: tests
Expand All @@ -54,50 +55,46 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 15
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Check all sources documented
run: |
diff -y --suppress-common-lines \
<(git ls-files janus_core/** | sed '/.py$/!d; s/\/; s#/#.#g; s/.py$//' | sort) \
<(sed -nr '/automodule/{s/.*::\s*//;p}' docs/source/apidoc/* | sort)
- name: Check all sources documented
run: |
diff -y --suppress-common-lines \
<(git ls-files janus_core/** | sed '/.py$/!d; s/\/; s#/#.#g; s/.py$//' | sort) \
<(sed -nr '/automodule/{s/.*::\s*//;p}' docs/source/apidoc/* | sort)
- name: Set up Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.11'
- name: Set up Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.11'

- name: Install poetry
run: pipx install poetry
- name: Install uv
uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v3

- name: Install python dependencies
run: |
poetry env use 3.11
poetry install --with docs
- name: Install dependencies
run: uv pip install .

- name: Build docs
run: cd docs && poetry run make
- name: Build docs
run: cd docs && make html

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 15
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Set up Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.11'
- name: Set up Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.11'

- name: Install poetry
run: pipx install poetry
- name: Install uv
uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v3

- name: Install python dependencies
run: |
poetry env use 3.11
poetry install --with pre-commit,docs,dev --extras "chgnet m3gnet"
- name: Install dependencies
run: uv pip install .

- name: Run pre-commit
run: |
poetry run pre-commit install
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files || ( git status --short ; git diff ; exit 1 )
- name: Run pre-commit
run: |
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files || ( git status --short ; git diff ; exit 1 )
28 changes: 9 additions & 19 deletions .github/workflows/docs.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name: docs

branches: [main]
branches: [main, add-uv]

# Sets permissions of the GITHUB_TOKEN to allow deployment to GitHub Pages
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ concurrency:

if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && github.repository == 'stfc/janus-core'
name: github-pages
url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
Expand All @@ -27,23 +26,14 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Install poetry
run: |
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y pipx
pipx install poetry
- name: add deps
run: |
apt install -y python3-dev build-essential
- name: sphinx
run: |
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
poetry install --with docs
cd docs
poetry run make html
- name: Install uv
uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v3

- name: Install dependencies
run: uv pip install .

- name: Build docs
run: cd docs && make html

- name: upload
uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3
Expand Down
155 changes: 86 additions & 69 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,90 +1,100 @@
name = "janus-core"
version = "0.6.6"
description = "Tools for machine learnt interatomic potentials"
authors = [
"Elliott Kasoar",
"Federica Zanca",
"Harvey Devereux",
"Patrick Austin",
"David Mason",
"Jacob Wilkins",
"Alin M. Elena",
{ name = "Elliott Kasoar" },
{ name = "Federica Zanca" },
{ name = "Harvey Devereux "},
{ name = "Patrick Austin" },
{ name = "David Mason" },
{ name = "Jacob Wilkins" },
{ name = "Alin M. Elena" },
readme = ""
packages = [{include = "janus_core"}]
requires-python = "<3.13,>=3.9"
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python",
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
"License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",
"Natural Language :: English",
"Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
readme = ""

dependencies = [

alignn = [
"alignn == 2024.5.27",]

chgnet = [
"chgnet == 0.3.8",]

m3gnet = [
"matgl == 1.1.3",
"dgl == 2.1.0",
"torchdata == 0.7.1",]

sevennet = [
"sevenn == 0.10.0",
"torch-geometric == 2.6.1",]

all = [

janus = "janus_core.cli.janus:app"

repository = ""
documentation = ""

janus = "janus_core.cli.janus:app"
dev = [

ase = "^3.23"
codecarbon = "^2.5.0"
mace-torch = "0.3.8"
numpy = "^1.26.4"
phonopy = "^2.23.1"
python = "^3.9"
pyyaml = "^6.0.1"
rich = "^13.9.1"
seekpath = "^1.9.7"
spglib = "^2.3.0"
torch = ">= 2.1, <= 2.2" # Range required for dgl
torch-dftd = "0.4.0"
typer = "^0.12.5"
typer-config = "^1.4.0"

alignn = { version = "2024.5.27", optional = true }
chgnet = {version = "0.3.8", optional = true}
dgl = { version = "2.1.0", optional = true } # Pin due to matgl installation issues
matgl = { version = "1.1.3", optional = true}
sevenn = { version = "0.10.0", optional = true }
torchdata = {version = "0.7.1", optional = true} # Pin due to dgl issue
torch_geometric = { version = "^2.5.3", optional = true }

all = ["alignn", "chgnet", "matgl", "dgl", "torchdata", "sevenn", "torch_geometric"]
alignn = ["alignn"]
chgnet = ["chgnet"]
m3gnet = ["matgl", "dgl", "torchdata"]
sevennet = ["sevenn", "torch_geometric"]

coverage = {extras = ["toml"], version = "^7.4.1"}
pgtest = "^1.3.2"
pytest = "^8.0"
pytest-cov = "^4.1.0"
tox = "^4.12.1"
wheel = "^0.42"

optional = true
pre-commit = "^3.6.0"
ruff = "^0.7.4"

optional = true
furo = "^2024.1.29"
markupsafe = "<2.1"
numpydoc = "^1.6.0"
sphinx = "^7.2.6"
sphinxcontrib-contentui = "^0.2.5"
sphinxcontrib-details-directive = "^0.1"
sphinx-copybutton = "^0.5.2"
docs = [

pre-commit = [

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
requires = ["pdm-backend"]
build-backend = "pdm.backend"

# Configuration for [pytest](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,3 +159,10 @@ exclude = [

default-groups = [

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