I'm George Kokush, 19 y. o. HSE student and ML/DL-engineer at Yandex.
- Hierarchical Transformer research [ Presentation ] [ Repo ]
- My task was to implement Hierarchical Transformer architecture for music domain and to experiment with different parts of it
- Basic implementation was similar with Music Transformer (baseline) in terms of quality, but x2 better in terms of speed
- I experimented with various hierarchical transformer features, such as shortening/upsample functions, transformer depth, amount of layers, etc
- I also came up with several special losses (for HT architecture), some of them look promising
- "Semantically-Informed Regressive Encoder Score" submission for WMT23 Shared task workshop [ Paper ] [ Repo ]
- Our task was to develop NN-based metric for text evaluation(machine translation)
- We improved our developments from AIRI research project trying different approaches(including use of additional vector representations and contrastive learning)
- Our approach was on 5th place in chinese-english and hebrew-english language pairs and 11th on english-german language pair
- Our paper was reviewed and we were invited to EMNLP 23 conference
- Team submission for Eval4NLP Shared task workshop [ Paper ] [ Repo ]
- Our task was to develop metric for text evaluation(MT&Summarization) only using prompt-engineering techniques and approaches
- We tried the new approach based on AutoMQM work
- Our paper was reviewed and we were invited to IJCNLP-AACL 23 conference
- "Efficient LLM-based metrics for NLG" research project for AIRI Summer School [ Presentation ] [ Repo ]
- Our task was to develop NN-based metric for text evaluation(machine translation)
- We tried to beat GPT4-based GEMBA metric by fine-tuning LLMs for translation evaluation
- I implemented LLM Encoder+MLP decoder architecture which got the best quality
- "Multimodality in image2text tasks" research project for 1st year of HSE [ Poster ] [ Repo ]
- Our task was to develop image2text model for russian language
- We implemented the BLIP-2 architecture and tested it on various configurations
- We adapted architecture for russian language and achieved tolerable quality
- NTI ML contest, 2021 [ Repo ]
- I used lots of classic ML algorithms(linear and logistic regression, trees, boostings, etc), web-scrapping for data extraction and grid-search for hyperparams search
- We achieved one of the best scores in final rating
- Toxic detector bot, pet project [ Repo ]
- I trained CatBoostClassifiers for toxicity prediction using word2vec embeddings
- Other pet-projects