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simple tools to handle a host (check it's health, do backups)


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Very lazy script to check host health and notify me in case of issues (distribution up to date, disk reaching limit, disk too many sectors errors, daemon down, storage issue, network error, OOMKilled, etc...)

My usage: I have different baremetal servers, nuc, raspi in my house and I want to be sure they are healthy

basic usage

# host-tools help
usage host-tools [options] <command>

	-c|--config <file>	specify config file (default: /etc/host-tools.conf)
	-r|--report <file>	specify report file (default: /var/lib/host-tools/
	-s|--silent		mute notifications


	check-list		list check available
	<check...>		call directly a check (list available on check-list)
	full-check		perform a full host check (use it in cron for periodic check)
	last-report		dump last report from full-check command (ex: use in in /etc/update-motd.d)

	install-packages	install mandatory packages
	backup-etc [<path>]	backup /etc and package list to <path> destination

	notify-alive		notify host is alive (ex: use it in cron for periodic notification)
	notify-boot		notify host just boot (ex: put it in /etc/rc.local)
	notify <message>	send a custom notification

	help 			this help

sample of use

# host-tools full-check

== check_cpusanity ==
check load avg in 15min
check for blocked processes (in IOWait for example)

== check_disk_health ==
checking sd disk sda
sda seems to be a HDD
INFO: Reallocated Sector Count: 0
INFO: Spin Retry Count: 0
INFO: Temperature Celsius: 35
INFO: Reported command timeout: 0
INFO: Current Pending Sector: 0
checking sd disk sdb
sdb seems to be a HDD
INFO: Reallocated Sector Count: 0
INFO: Spin Retry Count: 0
INFO: Temperature Celsius: 39
INFO: Reported command timeout: 0
INFO: Current Pending Sector: 0

== check_docker ==

checking that mandatory docker my-mailer-instance running
checking container my-mailer-instance security
my-mailer-instance is a debian debian

checking that mandatory docker roundcube-instance running
checking container roundcube-instance security
roundcube-instance is a debian debian

checking that mandatory docker sync-vale running
checking container sync-vale security
sync-vale is an alpine

checking that mandatory docker sync-ed running
checking container sync-ed security
sync-ed is an alpine

checking that mandatory docker bitwarden-nginx running
checking container bitwarden-nginx security
bitwarden-nginx is a debian debian
Inst libxml2 [2.9.10+dfsg-6.7+deb11u3] (2.9.10+dfsg-6.7+deb11u4 Debian:11.7/stable, Debian-Security:11/stable-security [amd64])
Conf libxml2 (2.9.10+dfsg-6.7+deb11u4 Debian:11.7/stable, Debian-Security:11/stable-security [amd64])
SILENT ALERT: container bitwarden-nginx need security upgrade (or a rebuild)

checking that mandatory docker bitwarden-mssql running
checking container bitwarden-mssql security
ignoring bitwarden-mssql ubuntu

checking that mandatory docker bitwarden-sso running
checking container bitwarden-sso security
bitwarden-sso is a debian debian

checking that mandatory docker traefik running
checking container traefik security
traefik is an alpine
libcrypto3-3.0.8-r3                     < 3.0.8-r4
libssl3-3.0.8-r3                        < 3.0.8-r4
SILENT ALERT: container traefik need upgrade (or a rebuild)

check for looping containers
check for dead containers
check for OOMKilled containers
check for unhealthy containers

== check_farm ==
discovering mydomain.tld farm using DNS...
checking server serverx.mydomain.tld (ping)
ping: serverx.mydomain.tld is alive
checking server servery.mydomain.tld (ping)
ping: servery.mydomain.tld is alive

== check_file_age ==
checking /data/example/file.ext is not older than 30 minutes
file /data/example/file.ext is less than 30 min old

== check_file_exists ==
checking that /data/example exists

== check_github_releases ==

checking github syncthing/syncthing, current release v1.23.4
using cache /var/lib/host-tools/github.syncthing.syncthing.latest
github syncthing/syncthing release match (v1.23.4)

checking github bitwarden/self-host, current release v2023.4.2
using cache /var/lib/host-tools/github.bitwarden.self-host.latest
github bitwarden/self-host release match (v2023.4.2)

checking github traefik/traefik, current release v2.10.1
using cache /var/lib/host-tools/github.traefik.traefik.latest
github traefik/traefik release match (v2.10.1)

== check_kernel_crit_message ==
check critical kernel message since 3 days

== check_last_backup ==

== check_mmc_health ==
no MMC found [ignoring test]

== check_mount_points ==
checking partition /data2 is mounted
checking partition /data1 is mounted

== check_need_reboot ==

== check_net_devices ==
checking network devices
checking physical device eth0
device eth0 is in good health (no error, no collision)
checking physical device eth1
device eth1 is not connected

== check_no_root_password ==
checking no root password

== check_oomkilled ==
check oomkilled process since 1 day

== check_packages ==
mandatory package openssh-server is installed
mandatory package unattended-upgrades is installed
mandatory package postfix is installed

== check_partition_space ==
checking partition /dev/md2
/dev/md2 size ok (40 %)
/dev/md2 inode size ok (9 %)
checking partition /dev/mapper/cryptdata1
/dev/mapper/cryptdata1 size ok (20 %)

== check_partition_writable ==

== check_raid ==
raid md2 (raid1) is clean

== check_rbl == is (rbl)-clean on is (rbl)-clean on is (rbl)-clean on is (rbl)-clean on is (rbl)-clean on

== check_root_sshkeys ==
ensure that ssh-rsa ... ed@my-pretty-laptop is present for root

== check_security_upgrade ==
checking security package to upgrade

== check_sensors ==
checking sensors (like temperature)
sensor 'pch_haswell-virtual-0 > Adapter: Virtual device > temp1: > temp1' is ok (54 < 80)
sensor 'coretemp-isa-0000 > Adapter: ISA adapter > Package id 0: > temp1' is ok (33 < 88)
sensor 'Core 0: > temp2' is ok (33 < 88)
sensor 'Core 1: > temp3' is ok (33 < 88)
sensor 'Core 2: > temp4' is ok (33 < 88)
sensor 'Core 3: > temp5' is ok (33 < 88)

== check_services ==
checking systemd services status
mandatory service ssh.service is running

== check_ssl ==
checking service.mydomain.tld port 443
checking otherservice.mydomain.tld port 443

full check sucess

config file sample

# -------------------------------------- config

# alarm if disck space or inode space reach 75%

# number of badsectors to trigger alarm

# we don't accept root password on this host

# special partitions that must be mounted
PARTITIONS=("/home" "/home-backup")

# list of file that should be recent (format: file:expiration-in-minutes)

# check presence of files

# mandatory packages on system
MANDATORY_PACKAGES=("openssh-server" "unattended-upgrades")

# package that must not be installed

# systemd services that must be running
MANDATORY_SERVICES=("ssh.service" "script-name@ed.service")

# docker instances that must be running
MANDATORY_DOCKERS=("my-mailer-instance" "roundcube-instance" "vtun-instance" )


# domain name to use to grab farm list (otherwise use HOSTS=() array )

# raid disk to mute notification in case of error (* = matchall)

# disk to mute notification in case of badsector (* = matchall)

# host mute notification in case of badsector (* = matchall)

# docker mute notification in case of upgrade needed (* = matchall)

# this ssh key must be present in root account
"ssh-rsa AAAAB.... ed@desktop"

# SSL connections to test

# warn SSL_PREVENTION_EXPIRATION days before expiration

# check RBL black list (is IP considered as spammer or similar ?)

# monitor github new releases (format: owner/repository:release) 
# (helpful to ensure your are using latest repos)

# GIHUB cache in days, if cache is use alert will be silent (also a way to avoid flooding you via the webhook)

# check different website, useful to verify that a page is correctly protected 
# format: <url-to-check>|<expected-result (AUTHREQUIRED|FORBIDDEN|NOTFOUND|NOTALLOWED|REDIRECT|OK)>|[<expected location>]|[<method (default: GET)>]

# here will send a message on your telegram account


simple tools to handle a host (check it's health, do backups)







No packages published
