This is a ros-rviz based simulator for a Quadrotor. Purpose is to fully (as much as possible from the basics) understand and experiment with Quadrotor-drones.
I recommend running this with docker. See my docker-images. You may use my image which was built from ros-melodic-base.
docker run -it -v /home/mpkuse/docker_ws_teenytiny/:/app mpkuse/kusevisionkit:ros-melodic-custom bash
cd /app
# Create catkin workspace on container image
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/
source /app/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash/
# Clone this repo
cd /app/catkin_ws/src
git clone <this>
# Compile
cd /app/catkin_ws
# Run
Then create a catkin_ws
in this container and clone this repo into catkin_ws/src
In the future i will make the process smoother. The main idea is to have all the dependencies installed in the
Manohar Kuse