Networked multiplayer Space Trading/Combat game with asteroids style mechanics and a procedurally generated world. Built in Godot using free graphics.
Built to sort of scratch an itch: can EV mechanics work in a multiplayer setting?
Also functions as a demo for multi-scene client/server godot projects.
Make sure you host a server then run another instance of the game and join it as a client. Make sure you've opened the port on your router! (default port is 26000!)
(windows and linux users will also need the .pck file)
Trello board where I try to track work:
Assets are Onyx's old shipyard, CC BY NC (plus some PD stuff; assets are as marked in folder names) and Lost Garden's Hard Vaccum.
Uses the TC Galaxy Generator to generate galaxy.csv. For info see this blog post
Contains a fork of Cyberfilth's Fantasy Names Generator
And a copy of Godot uuid because don't let godot's auto assigned names into your network code, it will mess stuff up!