A CLI python based program that allows you to download either video or sound files from Youtube but also from other sources
By now, you will need to execute this program:
- Python 3.x
- FFMpeg, to convert both audio and video
- Youtube-DL to fetch videos from multiples sources... and also from Youtube, was created for that ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It's possible that you already have Python installed in your system, but In case you don't have Python installed, just follow the next instuctions:
Debian --> sudo apt install python3 ffmpeg
Fedora --> sudo yum install python3 ffmpeg
Suse --> sudo zypper install python3 ffmpeg
Arch --> sudo pacman -S python3 ffmpeg
On Windows you can go to the official website in order to install the most recent version of Python (or the version you prefer)
To install the packages listed in requirements.txt, you just simply type into a terminal the following command:
Linux and OSX --> sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Windows --> pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure that requirements.txt it's in the eYTd's folder
The program mainly has 4 options to chose:
- Download Audio file from a URL (opt_1) --> Search the video in the given URL and downloads the audio source from it.
- Download Video with his audio source (opt_2) --> Same as opt_1 but downloads the video source too.
- Download Video source (opt_3) --> Search the video in the given URl and downloads the audio source from it.
- Search in Youtube by a given term (url_generator, name_generator) --> Simply searchs from youtube and parse the url and name. It's limited to display only 5 videos (you can increase the limit in the source code).
Before you enter the URL, you'll be prompt with and warning telling if you want to enable Playlist Mode, means that by enabling this you can download an entire playlist whitout needing to enter every single URL.
Download a video with his audio source converted to .flac format
Download an audio source from a playlist and converting it into .flac format