Openbox is a beautiful and lightweight window manager, but tediuos to install and config a full usable environment. This script collection automatize Openbox installation and essentials tools and apply configurations, styles and themes. You can install all scripts from an Archlinux minimal installation to config full environment or exec only some scripts you are interested. Each folder has a particular action script for install pacakges, add scripts, apply configs or install some themes or styles.
The main script install
can exec all scripts or only a select list:
: exec all scripts interactively.install -l
: list all scripts.install -d
: install all scripts with default option Y.install -a 5,8-12
: exec selected scripts.install -a grub
: exec all actions withgrub
in description.
- Install Openbox and dependences.
- Install and config essential Openbox tools: Tint2, Rofi, Terminator, Thunar, volume control, gsimplecal, etc.
- Config a basic themes and styles for Openbox, Gtk, fonts, icon pack, wallpapers, exit menu.
- Install some user tools: Chrome browser, SublimeText, Atom, VirtualBox and Extensión Pack, sudo,nomacs image viewer, WPS Office and others.
- Config prompt, path, aliases and home directories permissions.
- Config Grub for skip menu or protect by password and show messages during boot.
- Install
and some plugins and themes. - Install
Numix-Paper icon theme
, a theme based on Numix and Paper icon packs. - Install
autosnap Windows for Openbox
, a script for autosnap active windows (half-maximice). - Install
, a tty login based on ufetch style and config tty lock screen with physlock. - Install
update-notification script
for check and manage repositories updates. - Install
brightness control script
for increase/decrease birghtness screen. - Install
exit menu
based on rofi to show power and exit options.
Install a minimal Archlinux (either manually or using archinstall).
Connect to Internet. If you need to connect to WIFI network in CLI you can do:
ip a # To get your wlan interface name, for example wlp5s0
iwlist wlp5s0 scan | egrep "Address|ESSID" # To get available wifi networks
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp5s0 -c <(wpa_passphrase YOUR-SSID YOUR-PASS) # To authenticate in your wifi network
dhclient -v wlp5s0 # To get DHCP IP
- Install git:
pacman -S git
- Clone or download this project:
git clone
- Exec
script and select scripts you want to install.
$ ./install -h
Exec a set of scripts
Usage: install [-l] [-a <actions>] [-y] [-d] [-h]
-l Only list actions
-a <actions> Filter selected actions by number range or text pattern (comma separated)
-y Auto-answer yes to all actions
-d Auto-answer default to all actions
-h Show this help
# Exec all actions interactively:
$ ./install
# Exec all actions and answer yes to all (no ask):
$ ./install -y
# Exec all actions and answer default to all (no ask and only exec actions with default Y):
$ ./install -d
# Exec only actions 5,7,10,11,12,13,14 and 15:
$ ./install -a 5,7,10-15
# Exec only actions with grub text in description:
$ ./install -a grub
# List all actions:
$ ./install -l
[1] CONFIG Add Archlinux multilib repositories (Y)
[2] INSTALL Install some basic packages (Y)
[3] OPENBOX Install Openbox WM and essential tools and configs (Y)
[4] OPENBOX Install theme Arc GTK and set as default (Y)
[5] OPENBOX Install script autosnap for half-maximize windows with mouse middle click in titlebar (Y)
[6] OPENBOX Install Conky and add basic sysinfo-shortcuts panel (Y)
[7] OPENBOX Install script obexit with exit-power menu based on rofi (Y)
[8] OPENBOX Install some popular fonts (Y)
[9] OPENBOX Install nomacs image viewer (Y)
[10] OPENBOX Install clear xfce4-notify theme (Y)
[11] OPENBOX Install icon theme Numix-Paper and set as default icons (Y)
[12] OPENBOX Install rofi launcher and config as default launcher (Y)
[13] OPENBOX Install Terminator terminal and configs (Y)
[14] OPENBOX Install Thunar filemanager and some configs (show toolbar and double-click for active items) (Y)
[15] OPENBOX Install tint2 taskbar and config some taskbar/menu themes (Y)
[16] OPENBOX Install script update-notification for check periodically APT updates (Y)
[17] OPENBOX Install pnmixer and pavucontrol volume control (Y)
[18] OPENBOX Install script to rotate everyday Linux solarized wallpapers pack by Andreas Linz (Y)
[19] OPENBOX Install nitrogen tool, copy wallpapers pack and set default wallpaper to all users (Y)
[20] CONFIG Config some useful aliases (for ls, grep and ip commands) (Y)
[21] CONFIG Config modified .profile file with new path (sbin for all users) and color definitions (Y)
[22] CONFIG Config new bash prompt (Y)
[23] CONFIG Config system for show text messages during boot time (Y)
[24] CONFIG Disable some unnecessary services (Y)
[25] CONFIG Config GRUB with password protection for prevent users edit entries (N)
[26] CONFIG Config GRUB for skip menu (timeout=0) (N)
[27] CONFIG Config users home directories permissions to 750 (for current and future users) (Y)
[28] CONFIG Enable CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE shortcut for kill X server (Y)
[29] CONFIG Install sudo and add user 1000 to sudo group (Y)
[30] INSTALL Install Atom text editor (N)
[31] INSTALL Install CUPS printer system and add user 1000 to lpadmin group (N)
[32] INSTALL Install Google Chrome, add to repositories and set has default browser (Y)
[33] INSTALL Install Sublime Text, add repositories and set as default editor (Y)
[34] INSTALL Install vim editor, and apply some configs and plugins (Y)
[35] INSTALL Install VirtualBox 6.1 and Extension Pack and add to repositories (Y)
[36] INSTALL Install Visual Studio Code and add repositories (N)
[37] INSTALL Install WPS Office Suite (Y)
[38] SCRIPT Install script poweroff_last for auto-poweroff if no users logged in 20 minutes (N)
[39] SCRIPT Install script to control screen brightness (Y)
[40] SCRIPT Config Linux login in text mode (tty) using ufetch style and install a tty locker (physlock) (Y)
The script can be easily customized. Each
script placed in a subdirectory are automatillacy recognized by install
- For remove action simply delete the action directory.
- For add action simply add new folder and place inside
script and
script must have this header:
# ACTION: Description of the action
# INFO: Optional additional info
scripts commands to do action
My name is Leonardo Marco. I'm sysadmin teacher in CIFP Carlos III, Cartagena, Murcia (Spain).
You can email me for suggestions, contributions, archlinux-openbox script help or share your feelings: