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Chart Configuration

Alvaro Villanueva edited this page Nov 4, 2021 · 5 revisions

The following sections briefly describe the deployment options for the Login Service. In upcoming releases, it is expected to provide Helm Charts allowing easier deployment and configuration of a Login Service instance.

HELM Chart for the Login Service


  • This chart requires Docker Engine 1.8+ in any of their supported platforms. Please see vendor requirements here for more information.
  • At least 2GB of RAM. Make sure to assign enough memory to the Docker VM if you're running on Docker for Mac or Windows.

Chart Components

  • It's a nested Helm Chart with more than one service and deployments
  • Creates a full Login Service Instance (Gluu based)
  • Exposes the oxtrust service for access to the UI

Installing the Chart

You can install the chart with the release name id4eo in default namespace. The entire installation of the Login Service will take around 20 minutes to be up depending on the resources of the machine.

$ helm install id4eo charts/login-service

Note - If you do not specify a name, helm will select a name for you.

The installation will apply all charts described within the login-service chart.

  • Config-Init: This instance will stand as a Job that will ingest the first configuration data for the other services to feed from in installation.
  • OpenDJ: The WrenDS image will create the backend for the LDAP database and will comunicate with the presistence Job to apply all custom changes done in Gluu.
  • Persistence: This Job will run aside the OpenDJ pod to ingest the custom data into the database.
  • OxPassport: This Pod will allow the passport feature to the hole Login Service, it applies to the login feature.
  • OxAuth: This deployment will set up the Authentication and Authorization service. Needs the previous pods to be running.
  • OxTrust: This is the last to be installed and will offer the main Gluu UI from where the application can be accessed.

Installed Components

You can use kubectl get to view all of the installed components.

$ kubectl get all | grep id4eo
pod/id4eo-config-27zwh                  0/1     Completed   0          164m
pod/id4eo-opendj-init-ss-0              1/1     Running     0          164m
pod/id4eo-oxauth-6946d5c4b8-vv2ms       1/1     Running     1          164m
pod/id4eo-oxpassport-6b44dddd4b-79t2d   1/1     Running     0          164m
pod/id4eo-oxtrust-ss-0                  1/1     Running     1          164m
pod/id4eo-persistence-init-ss-k7qmw     0/1     Completed   0          164m

deployment.apps/id4eo-oxauth       1/1     1            1           164m

deployment.apps/id4eo-oxpassport   1/1     1            1           164m
replicaset.apps/id4eo-oxauth-6946d5c4b8       1         1         1       164m
replicaset.apps/id4eo-oxpassport-6b44dddd4b   1         1         1       164m

statefulset.apps/id4eo-opendj-init-ss   1/1     164m
statefulset.apps/id4eo-oxtrust-ss       1/1     164m
job.batch/id4eo-config                1/1           3m35s      164m
job.batch/id4eo-persistence-init-ss   1/1           11m        164m

Connecting to the Login Service

Follow the documentation of the Login-Service Repository in GitHub: Wiki Login Service.


The values can be edited in each sub-chart or on most generic at the parent level. The configuration parameters in this section control the base domain and most general configuration for every sub-chart.


The global section will apply the values overwriting the defined in the global section of the subcharts values.

Parameter Description Default
namespace Name of the namespace where the login service instance is going to install in the cluster default
nginxIp IP for the nginx ingress controller
serviceName Name for the main OpenDJ service opendj
oxAuthServiceName Name for the main OxAuth service oxauth
persistenceServiceName Name for the main persistence Job service persistence
oxTrustServiceName Name for the main OxTrust service oxtrust
domain Name for the sso_url UMA Compliant
gluuLdapUrl URL where the LDAP backend is running opendj:1636
gluuMaxRamFraction Number of fractions of RAM, where 1 is the 100% of the requested RAM 1
configAdapterName Name for the k8s config adapter kubernetes
configSecretAdapter Name for the k8s secret adapter kubernetes
provisioner Clustering provisioner name


For the Config Job the main configuration will focus on certificate signatures and base LDAP customization. The image used is from gluuFederation gluufederation/config-init:4.1.1_02. This will be the first instance to complete, the rest of the deployments will be waiting for the config-job to finish ingesting data in the volume and then consume it. |

Parameter Description Default
enabled Boolean value to enable or not the chart installation true
domain Name for the sso_url UMA Compliant
ldapType Value for specifying the LDAP controller opendj
countryCode Code for the country desired (This will apply to the certificate generation) ES
state Name for the state desired (This will apply to the certificate generation) Madrid
city Name for the city desired (This will apply to the certificate generation) Tres Cantos
email E-Mail of the organization (This will apply to the certificate generation)
orgName Name of the organization (This will apply to the certificate generation) Deimos Space S.L.U.
adminPass Password for the administrator user defaultPWD
ldapPass Password for the root LDAP operations defaultPWD
redisPass Password for the redis backend instance aaaa
gluuConfAdapter Name for the k8s secret adapter kubernetes

This Job has its own resource requests specified in the limits and requests same as the persistence details:

  cpu: 600m
  memory: 800Mi
  cpu: 100m
  memory: 500Mi

  size: 1Gi
  accessModes: ReadWriteOnce
  storageClassName: ""


OpenDJ StatefulSet will set up the LDAP backend of the Login Service and wait for the Persistence Job to ingest the data into the database. The image used is from GluuFederation gluufederation/wrends:4.1.1_01. The expected behavior is to start listening in some ports and after the persistence is finish complete the installation by starting the LDAP service. The basic configuration can be done in the values of the parent chart, but for more specific customization the child chart has its own values.


Parameter Description Default
enabled Boolean value to enable or not the chart installation true
gluuCacheType Name for the sso_url UMA Compliant
gluuRedisEnabled Value for specifying the LDAP controller opendj

At the parent definition, the image for the login-persistence can be specified:

enabled: true
gluuRedisEnabled: false
  name: um-login-service-pvc
  enabled: true
    repository: eoepca/um-login-persistence
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    tag: "v0.9.0"


At the child level the main configuration variables for the OpenDJ are the following:

Parameter Description Default
gluuLdapInit Boolean value to enable the LDAP instance. true
gluuLdapInitHost Host name for where the LDAP instance is going to be found. localhost
gluuLdapInitPort Port where the LDAP is going to expose the service. 1636
gluuOxtrustConfigGeneration Boolean to decide whether or not apply OxTrust configuration backend. true
gluuCacheType Options REDIS or NATIVE_PERSISTENCE. If REDIS is used gluuRedisEnabled config has to be set to true NATIVE_PERSISTENCE
gluuCertAltName Name for the delegation of the certificate creation. opendj
gluuRedisEnabled Will determin if GLUU_REDIS_URL and GLUU_REDIS_TYPE if they will be used. false
gluuRedisCacheType Default cache tipe for REDIS, no other option allowed. REDIS
gluuRedisUrl Redis url with port. Used when Redis is deployed for Cache redis:6379
gluuRedisType Type of Redis deployed. ("SHARDED", "STANDALONE", "CLUSTER", or "SENTINEL") STANDALONE

This chart has the task of raising two types of deployments, the OpenDJ and the Persistence Job. The customization of the Job is done at the same level of variables as that of the OpenDJ, these being the following values ​​to configure:

Parameter Description Default
enabled Boolean value to enable the persistence ingestion. true
size Initial size for the basic load of configuration. 100M
pvcSize Desired size of the Persistent Volume. 3Gi
name Name of the chart deployment. persistence
accessModes Access type for the PVC. ReadWriteMany
type Type of PVC deployment. DirectoryOrCreate
dbStorageSize Database storage capacity. 3Gi
statefulSetReplicas Number of replicas of the Stateful Set. 1
restartPolicy Policy for restarting the image. Never
configAdapter Name of the config adapter. GLUU_CONFIG_ADAPTER
adapter The config backend adapter. kubernetes
secretAdapter Name for the secret adapter. GLUU_SECRET_ADAPTER
passport Name for the variable that enables the use of passport. GLUU_PASSPORT_ENABLED
passportv Value that enables the use of passport. true
ldapUrl Name for the LDAP URL variable. GLUU_LDAP_URL
ldapUrlv The LDAP database's IP address or hostname. opendj:1636
persistenceType Name for the persistence backend. GLUU_PERSISTENCE_TYPE
persistenceTypev Persistence backend being used (one of ldap, couchbase, or hybrid; default to ldap) ldap
oxtrustConf Name of the OxTrust configuration variable. GLUU_OXTRUST_CONFIG_GENERATION
oxtrustConfv Whether to generate oxShibboleth configuration or not (default to true) false
clientID Name of the LDAP client ID variable. LP_CLIENT_ID
clientIDv LDAP Client ID value. 1234567890
clientSecret Name of the LDAP client Secret variable. LP_CLIENT_SECRET
clientSecretv LDAP Client Secret value. 0987654321
pdpEp Endponit for the PDP Ingress path. /pdp

COIH Provider values needs to be configured after deployment for security issues, as all values are passed throught the ConfigMap as env variables, the name of those env vars need to be specified:

coihClientIDv: "1234"
coihClientSecret: COIH_CLIENT_SECRET
coihClientSecretv: "1234"



The OxAuth deployment will have all configuration derived from the LDAP service, by default the image used belongs to Gluu organization under the name and tag gluufederation/oxauth:4.1.1_03. The generic values for the parent will contain:

Parameter Description Default
enabled Boolean value to enable the OxAuth installation. true
dynamicStorage Boolean value to enable the dynamic location of storage. 100M


For further customization the child values will have in addition the following variables:

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Boolean value to control the number of replicas of the deployment. 1
falsure Boolean value to interact with the GLUU_SYNC_CASA_MANIFESTS variable. true
ports.containerPort Port number where the service will run. 8080

The base configuration for jetty support needs some mount path for the volume to create and populate following the schema:

    mountPath: /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/logs
    subPath: oxauth/logs
    mountPath: /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/lib/ext
    subPath: oxauth/lib/ext
    mountPath: /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/static
    subPath: oxauth/custom/static
    mountPath: /opt/gluu/jetty/oxauth/custom/pages
    subPath: oxauth/custom/pages



The OxTrust deployment will have all configuration derived from the LDAP service same as OxAuth, by default the image used belongs to Gluu organization under the name and tag gluufederation/oxtrust:4.1.1_02. The generic values for the parent will contain:

Parameter Description Default
enabled Boolean value to enable the OxTrust installation. true
dynamicStorage Boolean value to enable the dynamic location of storage. 100M


For further customization the child values will have in addition the following variables:

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Boolean value to control the number of replicas of the deployment. 1
gluuOxauthBackend URL and port for the oxauth service internally. oxauth:8080
containerPort Port number where the OxAuth service will be running. 8080
gluuMaxRamFraction Number of fractions of RAM, where 1 is the 100% of the requested RAM. 1
service.port Port number where the service will run. 80

The base configuration for jetty support needs some mount path for the volume to create and populate following the schema:

    mountPath: /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/logs
    subPath: oxtrust/logs
    mountPath: /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/lib/ext
    subPath: oxtrust/lib/ext
    mountPath: /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/custom/static
    subPath: oxtrust/custom/static
    mountPath: /opt/gluu/jetty/identity/custom/pages
    subPath: oxtrust/custom/pages


The Nginx controller can be used as Ingress for load balancing, currently will use the tls-certificates and specify the domain name for the Login Service. It uses an external image to manage tls with Gluu under the name and tag repository kungus/gluu-tls-initializer:stable

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    annotations: {}
    path: /
    - secretName: tls-certificate
  resources: {}
    enabled: false
    minReplicas: 1
    maxReplicas: 100
    targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
    # targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80
  nodeSelector: {}
  tolerations: []
  affinity: {}
    redis: false

Liveness and Readiness

The Login Service instance has liveness and readiness checks specified in each sub-chart, it may need to be specified in some specifics services that takes some time to be ready such as OxAuth, OxTrust and OpenDJ.

⏭️ Next step: Client Registration