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For Modders.

FourthVolt edited this page Oct 28, 2022 · 1 revision

This page is intended for people that make weapon mods and want to make their weapon mods be ready to immediatly be used with NAWA

First off, make sure that every weapon you made follows the structure shown in the Adding a Weapon page

Afterwards run NAWA to change the config of the weapon(s) to whatever you like, once you press Save Config NAWA generates a config.json in the weapons folder. Bundle all of your weapons folders together in a zip (make sure to not merge the folders. just include each weapons folder seperately), this zip can be uploaded to the Mods site you trust and when people download thoose files they wont need to configure the weapon and will have access to the weapon as you want it to be.

Please keep in mind that NAWM is not intended to be used as a tool to make your mods standalone so you can share them as standalone weapons on Nexusmods, its intended to be used by users to install weapons into their game.