slow down your FireFox :-) (Version Française plus bas.)
created by Hugues MaX huguesmax[at]
Based on Perl Dancer 1
Directly Inspired from
Inspired from
SlowFox is a Dancer 1 application for your Entreprise - this is a collection of web pages pre formated to show you how to use and develop using
As you want ( the world is not engouth ) I use SlowFox for my Job, I developpe a software to manage some customers....
You need a modern distro as Redhat 6.4/Centos 6.4/Fedora 18 ( or Debian 7 / Ubuntu 12/ 14 not yet tester)
Redhat/Centos/Fedora :
yum -y groupinstall development && yum -y groupinstall perl-runtine
yum -y install Redis mysql-server mysql curl perl-ExtUtils* mysql-devel wget perl-IO-Socket-SSL
Debian/buntu :
apt-get install libmodule-install-perl redis-server mysql-server curl libmysqlclient-dev wget libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libssl-dev
Perl Dancer, SlowFox need lot of perl Module, the best way to install all this modules is to use Cpanminus.
As root user
curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus
You can use also yum or apt-get.
cpanm Dancer YAML Template JSON Redis Dancer::Session::Redis Dancer::Plugin::Database
Dancer::Plugin::Auth::RBAC Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt DateTime::Format::Strptime Tie::IxHash Modern::Perl
DateTime::Format::MySQL DateTime::Format::Duration Dancer::Plugin::Redis
HTML::Strip Daemon::Control Net::Server
cpanm Server::Starter
debian cpanm Dancer::Plugin::Email
cpanm Net::Server::SS::PreFork
cpanm Starman DBD::mysql
And Wait..... Cup of coffee Time....
** clone it ** cd /home
wget -O
cd perl-slowfox-master
service mysqld start [OK]
mysql> create database slowfox;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
#create mysql user with password mysql>create user admin@localhost identified by 'eliott'; #set right on database for this user mysql>grant all on slowfox.* to admin@localhost ; mysql>flush privileges ; mysql> \quit Bye user/pwd for database is set in config.yml
mysql slowfox < doc/slowfox.sql -u admin -p
If you have default install, firewall will block all connections. ( do that only on your dev server )
service iptables stop [OK]
service httpd stop [OK]
get you IP:
ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:5A:9C:1C
inet adr: Bcast: Masque:
./bin/ --port 80
[31482] core @0.000012> loading Dancer::Handler::Standalone handler in /usr/local/share/perl5/Dancer/ l. 45
[31482] core @0.000245> loading handler 'Dancer::Handler::Standalone' in /usr/local/share/perl5/ l. 483
>> Dancer 1.3124 server 31482 listening on
>> Dancer::Plugin::Auth::RBAC::Credentials::MySQL (1.110720)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Auth::RBAC (1.110720)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Auth::RBAC::Credentials (1.110720)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Database::Core (0.06)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Database::Core::Handle (0.02)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Database (2.09)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Auth::RBAC::Permissions (1.110720)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Ajax (1.00)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Auth::RBAC::Permissions::Config (1.110720)
>> Dancer::Plugin::Email (1.0201)
== Entering the development dance floor ...
Please go to ( replace by your ip address )
login with / admin