This mod modifies the Node 17 judge event to turn options not yet shown to them blue. Specifically, it removes the judge boon event and re-adds it. Supports:
- Multiverse (5.4.5)
- Forgotten Diamonds (1.6.3)
- Forgotten Races (16.27)
- Forgemaster (
- Insurrection + Selection (5.4)
- C&C Weapons: Renegade (4.6)
- Fishier Than Light (1.2.2)
- Darkest Desire (2.2.0)
Any other mods that also modify boons will need to be loaded after this mod.
Let me know about them and I can add support!
This mod should be loaded after the supported mods, but before any unsupported boon adders.
- Multiverse Assets/Data
- Forgotten Races Assets/Data <=(supported)
- Forgotten Races Diamonds <=(supported)
- Judge Blue Options <=(This mod)
- Some other boons mod <=(unsupported)
V1.1: Fixed Forgemaster's Modular Hull boon
V1.2: Fixed CnC's Nuclear Payload boon, Forgotten Diamonds Flesh Maker
V1.3: Fixed Forgotten Race's Haunt gun always being blue, fixed Forgemaster's Terminus, added Boon from Fishier Than Light, added Forgotten Races's Spherax
V1.4: Added Darkest Desires Deep one crew and weapon, and disparity weapon, updated Forgotten Race's Haunts into Revenants