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Doom2D Forever - A remake of the 1996 game Doom2D by Prikol Software with online multiplayer.


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Doom2D Forever ( ) adapted for use with the
FreePascal Compiler and ported to SDL (SDL2).


* FPC >= 3.1.1;
* libenet >= 1.3.13;

Create the `tmp` and `bin` directories and then run:

  cd src/game
  fpc -g -gl -O3 -FE../../bin -FU../../tmp Doom2DF.lpr

Additionally you can add the following options:
  System driver:
    * -dUSE_SDL2        Build with SDL 2.0.x
    * -dUSE_SDL         Build with SDL 1.2.x
    * -dUSE_SYSSTUB     Disable I/O management
  Render driver:
    * -dUSE_OPENGL      Build with desktop OpenGL 2.x
    * -dUSE_GLES1       Build with mobile OpenGL ES 1.1
    * -dUSE_GLSTUB      Disable rendering
  Sound driver:
    * -dUSE_FMOD        Build with FMOD Ex (4.30.22, other versions may fail)
    * -dUSE_SDLMIXER    Build with SDL_mixer
    * -dUSE_OPENAL      Build with OpenAL 1.1
    * -dUSE_SOUNDSTUB   Disable sound management
  Sound file drivers (OpenAL only):
    * -dUSE_SDL2        Build with SDL 2.0.x for WAV support
    * -dUSE_SDL         Build with SDL 1.2.x for WAV support
    * -dUSE_VORBIS      Build with libvorbis
    * -dUSE_FLUIDSYNTH  Build with libfluidsynth
    * -dUSE_MODPLUG     Build with libmodplug
    * -dUSE_XMP         Build with linxmp
    * -dUSE_MPG123      Build with libmpg123
    * -dUSE_OPUS        Build with libopus
    * -dUSE_GME         Build with libgme
    * -dSDL2_NODPI      Build for old libSDL2
    * -dUSE_MINIUPNPC   Build with MiniUPnPc for automatic server port
                        forwarding via UPnP
    * -dENABLE_HOLMES   Build with in-game map debugger
    * -dHEADLESS        Build a headless executable for dedicated servers

Run the game with --gdb when using a debugger to prevent it from eating

Windows binaries will require the appropriate DLLs (SDL2.dll, SDL2_mixer.dll or
FMODex.dll, ENet.dll, miniupnpc.dll) unless you choose to link them statically.

Static Linking

It is possible to link libraries statically for Windows builds. You can use:
  -dENET_WINDOWS_STATIC        -- static ENet
  -dLIBJIT_WINDOWS_STATIC      -- static LibJIT
  -dOPENAL_WINDOWS_STATIC      -- static OpenAL

Next ones make sense only for OpenAL-based builds:
  -dMODPLUG_WINDOWS_STATIC     -- static libmodplug
  -dMPG123_WINDOWS_STATIC      -- static libmpg123
  -dVORBIS_WINDOWS_STATIC      -- static libogg + libvorbis
  -dOPUS_WINDOWS_STATIC        -- static libogg + libopus
  -dFLUIDSYNTH_WINDOWS_STATIC  -- static FluidSynth
  -dLIBGME_WINDOWS_STATIC      -- static libgme (game-music-emu)
  -dLIBXMP_WINDOWS_STATIC      -- static libxmp

Don't forget to specify lib*.a location with -Fi<...>