The treecbh package provides functions to detect individual tree level Crown Base Height (CBH) using high-resolution LiDAR data. Individual tree segmentation must be conducted prior. The package is meant to be used within the framework of the lidR package.
Make sure that the following R packages are installed before using treecbh:
tidyverse, lidR, sf, data.table, crayon, factoextra, fpc, geometry, gtools.
Demonstration of how to use treecbh combined with lidR.
# Forest point cloud (low resolution example data)
LAS <- system.file("extdata", "MixedConifer.laz", package = "lidR")
Alas <- readLAS(LAS, filter = "-drop_z_below 0")
# Black, white and green color palette for visualizing CHM
bgcol <- function(x)
col <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("grey1", "white", "forestgreen"))
Using the pitfree algorithm.
CHM <- rasterize_canopy(Alas, 0.5, pitfree(subcircle = 0.25))
plot(CHM, main = "CHM 0.5 pitfree", col = bgcol(50))
Using a constant windows size of 5 m.
ws <- 5
treetops <- locate_trees(CHM, lmf(ws))
plot(CHM, main = "CHM 0.5 pitfree", col = bgcol(50))
plot(sf::st_geometry(treetops), add = T, pch = "+", col = "firebrick3")
Using the Dalponte algorithm.
algo_crowns <- dalponte2016(CHM, treetops)
las_crowns <- segment_trees(Alas, algo_crowns, attribute = "ID")
is a las object storing the ids of individual trees (ID attribute). This object can also be fed into the treecbh::get_CBH()
function after storing each individual point cloud (tree) in a directory. Since there are other point- and CHM-based its algorithms outside the liDR framework, trecbh::get_CBH()
accepts las files that can previously be isolated based both on points and CHMs.
Obtaining individual tree segments (its) as polygons.
Apoly <- crown_metrics(las_crowns, attribute = "ID", geom = "concave", func = NULL)
plot(sf::st_geometry(Apoly), reset = FALSE, col = "forestgreen", border = "grey80")
plot(sf::st_geometry(treetops), add = T, pch = "+", col = "firebrick3")
Some trees were not segmented.
This step is only necessary if you have different its shape file coming from an outer source.
oudir <- "<path to directory>"
treecbh::get_3DTREE(Alas, Apoly, output_dir = oudir, FEATURE= "ID", RETURN = F)
Parameter adjustment: cbh_ONLY = 1
. Let's proceed with five point clouds of deciduous trees to be found in the https://github.com/DijoG/storage/tree/main/cc_lasfin directory.
# Example: list of high resolution individual las tree clouds, stored normally in 'outdir' set in the previous step.
# example files used, are in https://github.com/DijoG/storage/tree/main/cc_lasfin library
las_l <- list.files(oudir, pattern = ".las", full.names = T) %>%
# visualizing one
plot(readLAS(las_l[2]), bg = "white", size = 5, axis = T)
# output directories
outdi1 <- "<path to directory>" # treeiso isolated tree cloud
outdi2 <- "<path to directory>" # filtered tree cloud (stem plus first leaved branch)
# CC executable
cc_dir <- "<path to /CloudCompare.exe>"
# running
A_CBH <- treecbh::get_CBH(las_l,
# run tree isolation and cbh detection
cbh_ONLY = 1,
# its point cloud directory
outdir1 = outdi1,
# stem plus first leaved branch directory
outdir2 = outdi2,
cc_dir = cc_dir)
Output parameters:
→ Maximum height of within-segment point cloud (unit: m),
→ Mean height of within-segment point cloud (unit: m),
→ Standard deviation of within-segment point cloud (unit: m),
→ Height of maximum binned count (unit: m),
→ Number of points in the maximum binned count (unit: n),
→ Detected Canopy Base Height (unit: m) → Detected Canopy point cloud,
→ Area of Delaunay convex hull of Detected Canopy point cloud (unit: m2),
→ Volume of Delaunay convex hull of Detected Canopy point cloud (unit: m3),
→ Volume of voxelized (0.2 m) Detected Canopy point cloud (unit: m3),
→ Volume of in-voxel-fit spheres (diameter 0.2 m) of Detected Canopy point cloud (unit: m3),
→ initial individual tree cloud id.
Parameter adjustment: cbh_ONLY = 2
outdir1 = outdi1,
outdir2 = outdi2,
# run only tree isolation (disabling cbh detection)
cbh_ONLY = 2,
cc_dir = cc_dir)
Parameter adjustment: cbh_ONLY = 3
and kM = TRUE
(k-Means Clustering set to TRUE). The interactive visualised optimization process starts with: 'Do you accept k?' and a plot of recommended k
clusters. User answers, if the answer is no, the user is asked to type a number for k
after 'Enter k:'. It can be repeated twice.
O_CBH <- treecbh::get_CBH(its_l,
outdir1 = outdi1,
outdir2 = outdi2,
# run only cbh detection (disabling treeiso)
cbh_ONLY = 3,
# Optimization activator
# kM = FALSE is default
kM = TRUE,
# inactive CC executeable directory
cc_dir = cc_dir)
Example 02.las (see R Console right) plots are displayed: