Name | Type | Required | Values(default) | Description |
Tr | time | Yes | None | The time at which the algorithm will run, set to 11:30 AM. |
LM | int | Yes | None | The number of minutes to consider for calculating the historic volume. |
LS | int | Yes | None | The number of seconds to consider for calculating the volume for the passed second (Vsec) and the exact time interval of the trade (Vt). |
A | float | Yes | None | A constant used in the algorithm to calculate (VPnow). |
C | int | Yes | None | A constant used in the algorithm to calculate (Z). |
min_market_cap | int | Yes | None | The minimum market capitalization for a stock to be considered. |
max_market_cap | int | Yes | None | The maximum market capitalization for a stock to be considered. |
min_descent | int | Yes | None | The minimum descent for a stock to be considered. |
power_factor | float | Yes | None | A constant used in the algorithm to calculate (NMC). |
timer | int | Yes | None | The maximum running time for the algorithm. |
counter | int | Yes | None | A counter to count the number of iterations of the scan. |
Pr | None | No | None | A variable that stores the price of the stock at the reference time. |
Hvol | None | No | None | A variable that stores the historic volume of the stock. |
P | None | No | None | A variable that stores the current price of the stock. |
MarketCap | None | No | None | A variable that stores the market capitalization of the stock. |
NMC | None | No | None | A variable that stores the new market capitalization of the stock. |
Vsec | None | No | None | A variable that stores the volume for the passed second. |
V | None | No | None | A variable that stores the volume of the stock. |
Vt | None | No | None | A variable that stores the exact time interval of the trade. |
Vmin | None | No | None | A variable that stores the minimum volume of the stock. |
VPnow | None | No | None | A variable that stores the current volume of the stock. |
VPold | None | No | None | A variable that stores the old volume of the stock. |
MinDecline | None | No | None | A variable that stores the minimum decline of the stock. |
ActualDescent | None | No | None | A variable that stores the actual descent of the stock. |
Y | None | No | None | A variable that stores the Y threshold value. |
Z | None | No | None | A variable that stores the Z threshold value. |
pr | None | No | None | A dictionary that stores the price of the stock at 11:30 AM. |
volume_last_second | None | No | None | A dictionary that stores the volume of the stock for the last second |
Ya | float | Yes | None | A threshold value used in the algorithm to finalize the ticker. |
Za | float | Yes | None | A threshold value used in the algorithm to finalize the ticker. |
trade_size | float | Yes | None | The total size of the trade. |
max_trade_size | int | Yes | None | The maximum size of a trade in amount. |
interval_size | int | Yes | None | The size of each interval between individual trades. |
IT | int | Yes | None | Size of each individual trade. |
duration | int | Yes | None | The duration of the after which a buy order id placed to execute the trade. |
Initialize The Initialize method sets up the backtest starting date, cash, brokerage model, and defines the stocks' universe. It also defines constants, variables, thresholds, and broker configurations.
def Initialize(self):
# Set the backtest starting date to some previous date
self.yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
# Set the start and end dates for the backtest
self.SetStartDate(2023, 9, 11)
self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Cash)
# Define the stocks universe
self.russell3000 = self.AddUniverse(self.CoarseSelectionFunction, self.FineSelectionFunction)
# Define constants
self.Tr = self.Time.replace(hour=11, minute=30, second=0, microsecond=0)
self.LM = 60
self.LS = 120
self.A = 0.3
self.C = 2500
self.min_market_cap = 3
self.max_market_cap = 6
self.min_descent = 10
self.power_factor = 0.5
self.timer = 60
self.counter = 1
# Define variables
self.stock = None
self.Pr = None
self.Hvol = None
self.P = None
self.MarketCap = None
self.NMC = None
self.Vsec = None
self.V = None
self.Vt = None
self.Vmin = None
self.VPnow = None
self.VPold = None
self.MinDecline = None
self.ActualDescent = None
self.Y = None
self.Z = None = {}
self.volume_last_second = {}
# Define thresholds
self.Ya = 0.5
self.Za = 0.5
# Define broker configurations
self.trade_size = 1
self.max_trade_size = 50000
self.interval_size = 1000
self.IT = 1000
self.duration = 5
# Function to automate the reference time (This is only used for backtesting)
# Get the current time in the UTC time zone
now_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# Convert the UTC time to the time zone used by QuantConnect
tz = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
now = now_utc.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(tz)
# Add 2 minutes to the current minute
future_minute = now.minute + 1
if future_minute >= 60:
future_minute -= 60
future_hour = now.hour + 1
future_hour = now.hour
# Schedule function to run at a specific time
self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(), self.TimeRules.At(future_hour, future_minute), self.ScanRussell3000)
# replace self.TimeRules.At(11, 30) to run the algo at 11:30 AM
CoarseSelectionFunction The CoarseSelectionFunction method filters the coarse universe of stocks to include only US equities with price greater than 0.5, a dollar volume greater than 100,000, and a security type of equity in the US market.
def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, coarse):
# Filter the coarse universe to include only US equities with market cap between 3-6 billion
filtered = [x for x in coarse if
x.HasFundamentalData and x.Price > 0.5 and x.DollarVolume > 100000 and x.Symbol.SecurityType == SecurityType.Equity and x.Symbol.ID.Market == Market.USA]
# Sort the filtered universe by dollar volume in descending order
sortedByDollarVolume = sorted(filtered, key=lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse=True)
# Return the top 100 securities by dollar volume
coarse_objects = [x.Symbol for x in sortedByDollarVolume]
self.Debug(f"-> Coarse objects: {len(coarse_objects)}")
return coarse_objects
FineSelectionFunction The FineSelectionFunction method further filters the universe of stocks based on the market capitalization.
def FineSelectionFunction(self, fine):
# Fine Filter the universe of stocks
fine_objects = [x.Symbol for x in fine if
x.MarketCap >= self.min_market_cap * 1000000000 and x.MarketCap <= self.max_market_cap * 1000000000]
self.Debug(f"-> fine objects: {len(fine_objects)}")
return fine_objects[:5]
ScanRussell3000 The ScanRussell3000 method is responsible for scanning the Russell 3000 universe of stocks and executing trades based on the defined criteria. The method is scheduled to run at a specific time using the self.Schedule.On function.
def ScanRussell3000(self):
# Debugging message
self.Debug(f"-> Scanning US Equities Russel3000, Itteration: {self.counter}")
# Local variables
# Store the processed symbols that can a potential ticker in a list
found_tickers = []
# Timer for measuring the time taken to scan the symbols
start_time = time.time()
# Timer for measuring the total run time of the algorithm
run_time = time.time()
# Counter for number of successful symbol scans
symbols_scanned = 0
# Loop through each symbol in the list of symbols
for i, security in enumerate(self.ActiveSecurities.Values):
# Check if all symbols have been scanned
if i == len(self.ActiveSecurities.Values) - 1:
# Calculate the time it took for the stocks to scan
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
f"-> Itteration: {self.counter} completed in {elapsed_time} seconds with {symbols_scanned} symbol(s) scanned.")
# Increment the counter
self.counter += 1
# Reset the start time for the next round of scanning
start_time = time.time()
# Reset the symbols list iterator
i = -1
# Check if we have only one symbol meeting our thresholds and execute the trade if yes.
if len(found_tickers) == 1:
# # # Start the next scan itteration
# self.ScanRussell3000
# Quit when the algorithm running time exceeds the timer
if (time.time() - run_time) >= self.timer:
self.Debug(f"Algorith run time exceeded: {self.timer} seconds")
self.Debug(f"Terminating scan")
# Get the stock symbol
symbol = security.Symbol
# Get the trade bar
self.P = self.ActiveSecurities[symbol].Close
if not self.P or not isinstance(self.P, (int, float)) and not self.P > 0:
# Get the Historic volume of the sybmbol (Hvol)
self.Hvol = self.History(symbol, self.LM, Resolution.Minute)['volume'].sum()
if not isinstance(self.Hvol, (int, float)) and not self.Hvol > 0:
except KeyError:
# Get the market cap
self.MarketCap = security.Fundamentals.MarketCap / 1_000_000_000
# Calculate the new market cap (NMC)
self.NMC = round((self.MarketCap) ** self.power_factor, 2)
# Get the volume for the passed second (Vsec) and the exact time interval of the trade (Vt)
for index in range(1, self.LS):
# Get the volume for the nearest passed second
volume_data = self.History(symbol, index, Resolution.Second)
self.Vsec = volume_data.loc[symbol]['volume'].sum()
if not isinstance(self.Vsec, (int, float)) and not self.Vsec > 0:
# self.Debug(f"-> Actual Vsec at the index: {self.Vsec}. Time: {self.Time}")
# Make sure volume data exists in the history
except KeyError:
# Get the exact time of the trade
time_of_vsec = volume_data.iloc[volume_data.index.get_loc(volume_data.last_valid_index()):].index[0]
# Get the datetime object of the previous second
if isinstance(time_of_vsec, tuple):
time_of_vsec = pd.Timestamp(time_of_vsec[1])
# Set the Vt value as the time difference between the current second and the last trade second
self.Vt = (self.Time - time_of_vsec).total_seconds()
# Make sure the Vt value is correct
if not isinstance(self.Vt, (int, float)) and not self.Vt > 0:
# If self.Vt is less than 1, set the value to 1
if self.Vt < 1:
self.Vt = 1
# Calculate the Vsec value for the passed second
self.Vsec = self.Vsec / self.Vt
# Break out of the loop
if self.Vsec is None:
# self.Debug(f"Stock deleted! No trade found for {symbol} in the last 120 seconds.")
# Get the Price of the stock at the reference time (self.Tr)
if not, 0):
# Store the price value at 11:30[symbol] = self.P
self.Pr =, 0)
if not isinstance(self.Pr, (int, float)) and not self.Pr > 0:
# Calculate Vmin
self.Vmin = self.Vsec / self.Vt * 60
# Calculate VPnow
self.VPnow = self.Vmin * self.P * self.A / 1000
# Calculate VPold
self.VPold = self.Pr * self.Hvol / 1000
# Calculate MinDecline and ActualDescent
self.MinDecline = self.min_descent / self.NMC / 10000
self.ActualDescent = (self.Pr - self.P) / self.Pr
# Calculate Y and Z
self.Y = self.VPnow / self.NMC
self.Z = self.C * self.NMC * self.VPnow / self.VPold
# Increment the the number of sumbols scanned
symbols_scanned += 1
# # All the required information for each stock
# self.Debug(
# f"-> Symbol: {symbol}, P: {self.P}, Pr: {self.Pr}, Hvol: {self.Hvol}, Market Cap: {self.MarketCap}, NMC: {self.NMC}, Vsec: {self.Vsec}, Vt: {self.Vt}")
# self.Debug(
# f"Vmin: {self.Vmin}, VPnow: {self.VPnow}, VPold: {self.VPold}, MinDecline: {self.MinDecline}, ActualDescent: {self.ActualDescent}, Y: {self.Y}, Z: {self.Z}")
# Check if thresholds are met
if self.Y > self.Ya and self.Z > self.Za and self.ActualDescent > self.MinDecline:
# Get the symbol Information
# All the required information for each stock
f" -> -> -> Ticker: {symbol}, P: {self.P}, Pr: {self.Pr}, Hvol: {self.Hvol}, Market Cap: {self.MarketCap}, NMC: {self.NMC}, Vsec: {self.Vsec}, Vt: {self.Vt}")
f"Vmin: {self.Vmin}, VPnow: {self.VPnow}, VPold: {self.VPold}, MinDecline: {self.MinDecline}, ActualDescent: {self.ActualDescent}, Y: {self.Y}, Z: {self.Z}")
# Append the potential ticker to the tickers list
ExecuteTrade This function is responsible for executing a trade on a given stock symbol. It places a bracket order to short the stock and manages the trade size to ensure it does not exceed the maximum trade size defined in the algorithm.
def ExecuteTrade(self, symbol):
# Place a bracket order to short the stock
self.Debug(f"Executing Trade on ticker: {symbol.Value}")
# Calculate the total trade size
self.trade_size = self.trade_size * self.Vsec
# Abort trade if the trade size exceeds the the maximum ammount
if self.trade_size > self.max_trade_size:
f"Aborting Trade on ticker: {symbol.Value}. Trade size exceeded maximum value: {self.max_trade_size}")
# Place individual trades at the specified time intervals
while True:
if self.trade_size >= self.IT:
self.MarketOrder(symbol, - self.IT)
self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, self.IT, self.Securities[symbol].Close * 1.02)
self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, self.IT, self.Securities[symbol].Close * 0.98)
self.trade_size -= self.IT
elif self.trade_size < self.IT and self.trade_size != 0:
self.MarketOrder(symbol, - self.trade_size)
self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, self.trade_size, self.Securities[symbol].Close * 1.02)
self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, self.trade_size, self.Securities[symbol].Close * 0.98)
time.sleep((self.interval_size) / 1000)
# Execute the trade after the specified duration
ExitTrade This function is responsible for exiting a trade by placing a buy order to cover the short position. It iterates over the portfolio holdings and checks if a holding is invested and is a short position. If it is, it places a market order to buy the quantity of shares equal to the absolute value of the holding's quantity.
def ExitTrade(self):
# Place a buy order to exit the trade
self.Debug(f"Exiting Trade")
for holding in self.Portfolio.Values:
if holding.Invested and holding.IsShort:
self.MarketOrder(holding.Symbol, abs(holding.Quantity))