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Quant Connect Russel3000 Equity Scanner Algorithm


Name Type Required Values(default) Description
Tr time Yes None The time at which the algorithm will run, set to 11:30 AM.
LM int Yes None The number of minutes to consider for calculating the historic volume.
LS int Yes None The number of seconds to consider for calculating the volume for the passed second (Vsec) and the exact time interval of the trade (Vt).
A float Yes None A constant used in the algorithm to calculate (VPnow).
C int Yes None A constant used in the algorithm to calculate (Z).
min_market_cap int Yes None The minimum market capitalization for a stock to be considered.
max_market_cap int Yes None The maximum market capitalization for a stock to be considered.
min_descent int Yes None The minimum descent for a stock to be considered.
power_factor float Yes None A constant used in the algorithm to calculate (NMC).
timer int Yes None The maximum running time for the algorithm.
counter int Yes None A counter to count the number of iterations of the scan.
Pr None No None A variable that stores the price of the stock at the reference time.
Hvol None No None A variable that stores the historic volume of the stock.
P None No None A variable that stores the current price of the stock.
MarketCap None No None A variable that stores the market capitalization of the stock.
NMC None No None A variable that stores the new market capitalization of the stock.
Vsec None No None A variable that stores the volume for the passed second.
V None No None A variable that stores the volume of the stock.
Vt None No None A variable that stores the exact time interval of the trade.
Vmin None No None A variable that stores the minimum volume of the stock.
VPnow None No None A variable that stores the current volume of the stock.
VPold None No None A variable that stores the old volume of the stock.
MinDecline None No None A variable that stores the minimum decline of the stock.
ActualDescent None No None A variable that stores the actual descent of the stock.
Y None No None A variable that stores the Y threshold value.
Z None No None A variable that stores the Z threshold value.
pr None No None A dictionary that stores the price of the stock at 11:30 AM.
volume_last_second None No None A dictionary that stores the volume of the stock for the last second
Ya float Yes None A threshold value used in the algorithm to finalize the ticker.
Za float Yes None A threshold value used in the algorithm to finalize the ticker.
trade_size float Yes None The total size of the trade.
max_trade_size int Yes None The maximum size of a trade in amount.
interval_size int Yes None The size of each interval between individual trades.
IT int Yes None Size of each individual trade.
duration int Yes None The duration of the after which a buy order id placed to execute the trade.


Initialize The Initialize method sets up the backtest starting date, cash, brokerage model, and defines the stocks' universe. It also defines constants, variables, thresholds, and broker configurations.

def Initialize(self):
	# Set the backtest starting date to some previous date
	self.yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
	# Set the start and end dates for the backtest
	self.SetStartDate(2023, 9, 11)
	self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Cash)
	# Define the stocks universe
	self.russell3000 = self.AddUniverse(self.CoarseSelectionFunction, self.FineSelectionFunction)
	# Define constants
	self.Tr = self.Time.replace(hour=11, minute=30, second=0, microsecond=0)
	self.LM = 60
	self.LS = 120
	self.A = 0.3
	self.C = 2500
	self.min_market_cap = 3
	self.max_market_cap = 6
	self.min_descent = 10
	self.power_factor = 0.5
	self.timer = 60
	self.counter = 1
	# Define variables
	self.stock = None
	self.Pr = None
	self.Hvol = None
	self.P = None
	self.MarketCap = None
	self.NMC = None
	self.Vsec = None
	self.V = None
	self.Vt = None
	self.Vmin = None
	self.VPnow = None
	self.VPold = None
	self.MinDecline = None
	self.ActualDescent = None
	self.Y = None
	self.Z = None = {}
	self.volume_last_second = {}
	# Define thresholds
	self.Ya = 0.5
	self.Za = 0.5
	# Define broker configurations
	self.trade_size = 1
	self.max_trade_size = 50000
	self.interval_size = 1000
	self.IT = 1000
	self.duration = 5
	# Function to automate the reference time (This is only used for backtesting)
	# Get the current time in the UTC time zone
	now_utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
	# Convert the UTC time to the time zone used by QuantConnect
	tz = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
	now = now_utc.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(tz)
	# Add 2 minutes to the current minute
	future_minute = now.minute + 1
	if future_minute >= 60:
		future_minute -= 60
		future_hour = now.hour + 1
		future_hour = now.hour
	# Schedule function to run at a specific time
	self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(), self.TimeRules.At(future_hour, future_minute), self.ScanRussell3000)
# replace self.TimeRules.At(11, 30) to run the algo at 11:30 AM 

CoarseSelectionFunction The CoarseSelectionFunction method filters the coarse universe of stocks to include only US equities with price greater than 0.5, a dollar volume greater than 100,000, and a security type of equity in the US market.

def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, coarse):
	# Filter the coarse universe to include only US equities with market cap between 3-6 billion
	filtered = [x for x in coarse if
				x.HasFundamentalData and x.Price > 0.5 and x.DollarVolume > 100000 and x.Symbol.SecurityType == SecurityType.Equity and x.Symbol.ID.Market == Market.USA]
	# Sort the filtered universe by dollar volume in descending order
	sortedByDollarVolume = sorted(filtered, key=lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse=True)
	# Return the top 100 securities by dollar volume
	coarse_objects = [x.Symbol for x in sortedByDollarVolume]
	self.Debug(f"-> Coarse objects: {len(coarse_objects)}")
	return coarse_objects

FineSelectionFunction The FineSelectionFunction method further filters the universe of stocks based on the market capitalization.

def FineSelectionFunction(self, fine):
	# Fine Filter the universe of stocks
	fine_objects = [x.Symbol for x in fine if
					x.MarketCap >= self.min_market_cap * 1000000000 and x.MarketCap <= self.max_market_cap * 1000000000]
	self.Debug(f"-> fine objects: {len(fine_objects)}")
	return fine_objects[:5]

ScanRussell3000 The ScanRussell3000 method is responsible for scanning the Russell 3000 universe of stocks and executing trades based on the defined criteria. The method is scheduled to run at a specific time using the self.Schedule.On function.

    def ScanRussell3000(self):
	# Debugging message
	self.Debug(f"-> Scanning US Equities Russel3000, Itteration: {self.counter}")
	# Local variables
	# Store the processed symbols that can a potential ticker in a list
	found_tickers = []
	# Timer for measuring the time taken to scan the symbols
	start_time = time.time()
	# Timer for measuring the total run time of the algorithm
	run_time = time.time()
	# Counter for number of successful symbol scans
	symbols_scanned = 0
	# Loop through each symbol in the list of symbols
	for i, security in enumerate(self.ActiveSecurities.Values):
		# Check if all symbols have been scanned
		if i == len(self.ActiveSecurities.Values) - 1:
			# Calculate the time it took for the stocks to scan
			elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
				f"-> Itteration: {self.counter} completed in {elapsed_time} seconds with {symbols_scanned} symbol(s) scanned.")
			# Increment the counter
			self.counter += 1
			# Reset the start time for the next round of scanning
			start_time = time.time()
			# Reset the symbols list iterator
			i = -1
			# Check if we have only one symbol meeting our thresholds and execute the trade if yes.
			if len(found_tickers) == 1:
		# # # Start the next scan itteration
		# self.ScanRussell3000
		# Quit when the algorithm running time exceeds the timer
		if (time.time() - run_time) >= self.timer:
			self.Debug(f"Algorith run time exceeded: {self.timer} seconds")
			self.Debug(f"Terminating scan")
		# Get the stock symbol
		symbol = security.Symbol
		# Get the trade bar
		self.P = self.ActiveSecurities[symbol].Close
		if not self.P or not isinstance(self.P, (int, float)) and not self.P > 0:
		# Get the Historic volume of the sybmbol (Hvol)
			self.Hvol = self.History(symbol, self.LM, Resolution.Minute)['volume'].sum()
			if not isinstance(self.Hvol, (int, float)) and not self.Hvol > 0:
		except KeyError:
		# Get the market cap
		self.MarketCap = security.Fundamentals.MarketCap / 1_000_000_000
		# Calculate the new market cap (NMC)
		self.NMC = round((self.MarketCap) ** self.power_factor, 2)
		# Get the volume for the passed second (Vsec) and the exact time interval of the trade (Vt)
		for index in range(1, self.LS):
				# Get the volume for the nearest passed second
				volume_data = self.History(symbol, index, Resolution.Second)
				self.Vsec = volume_data.loc[symbol]['volume'].sum()
				if not isinstance(self.Vsec, (int, float)) and not self.Vsec > 0:
			# self.Debug(f"-> Actual Vsec at the index: {self.Vsec}. Time: {self.Time}")
			# Make sure volume data exists in the history
			except KeyError:
			# Get the exact time of the trade
			time_of_vsec = volume_data.iloc[volume_data.index.get_loc(volume_data.last_valid_index()):].index[0]
			# Get the datetime object of the previous second
			if isinstance(time_of_vsec, tuple):
				time_of_vsec = pd.Timestamp(time_of_vsec[1])
			# Set the Vt value as the time difference between the current second and the last trade second
			self.Vt = (self.Time - time_of_vsec).total_seconds()
			# Make sure the Vt value is correct
			if not isinstance(self.Vt, (int, float)) and not self.Vt > 0:
			# If self.Vt is less than 1, set the value to 1
			if self.Vt < 1:
				self.Vt = 1
			# Calculate the Vsec value for the passed second
			self.Vsec = self.Vsec / self.Vt
			# Break out of the loop
		if self.Vsec is None:
			# self.Debug(f"Stock deleted! No trade found for {symbol} in the last 120 seconds.")
		# Get the Price of the stock at the reference time (self.Tr)
		if not, 0):
			# Store the price value at 11:30[symbol] = self.P
			self.Pr =, 0)
		if not isinstance(self.Pr, (int, float)) and not self.Pr > 0:
		# Calculate Vmin
		self.Vmin = self.Vsec / self.Vt * 60
		# Calculate VPnow
		self.VPnow = self.Vmin * self.P * self.A / 1000
		# Calculate VPold
		self.VPold = self.Pr * self.Hvol / 1000
		# Calculate MinDecline and ActualDescent
		self.MinDecline = self.min_descent / self.NMC / 10000
		self.ActualDescent = (self.Pr - self.P) / self.Pr
		# Calculate Y and Z
		self.Y = self.VPnow / self.NMC
		self.Z = self.C * self.NMC * self.VPnow / self.VPold
		# Increment the the number of sumbols scanned 
		symbols_scanned += 1
		# # All the required information for each stock
		# self.Debug(
		# 	f"-> Symbol: {symbol}, P: {self.P}, Pr: {self.Pr}, Hvol: {self.Hvol}, Market Cap: {self.MarketCap}, NMC: {self.NMC}, Vsec: {self.Vsec}, Vt: {self.Vt}")
		# self.Debug(
		# 	f"Vmin: {self.Vmin}, VPnow: {self.VPnow}, VPold: {self.VPold}, MinDecline: {self.MinDecline}, ActualDescent: {self.ActualDescent}, Y: {self.Y}, Z: {self.Z}")
		# Check if thresholds are met
		if self.Y > self.Ya and self.Z > self.Za and self.ActualDescent > self.MinDecline:
			# Get the symbol Information
			# All the required information for each stock
				f" -> -> -> Ticker: {symbol}, P: {self.P}, Pr: {self.Pr}, Hvol: {self.Hvol}, Market Cap: {self.MarketCap}, NMC: {self.NMC}, Vsec: {self.Vsec}, Vt: {self.Vt}")
				f"Vmin: {self.Vmin}, VPnow: {self.VPnow}, VPold: {self.VPold}, MinDecline: {self.MinDecline}, ActualDescent: {self.ActualDescent}, Y: {self.Y}, Z: {self.Z}")
			# Append the potential ticker to the tickers list

ExecuteTrade This function is responsible for executing a trade on a given stock symbol. It places a bracket order to short the stock and manages the trade size to ensure it does not exceed the maximum trade size defined in the algorithm.

        def ExecuteTrade(self, symbol):
	# Place a bracket order to short the stock
	self.Debug(f"Executing Trade on ticker: {symbol.Value}")
	# Calculate the total trade size
	self.trade_size = self.trade_size * self.Vsec
	# Abort trade if the trade size exceeds the the maximum ammount
	if self.trade_size > self.max_trade_size:
			f"Aborting Trade on ticker: {symbol.Value}. Trade size exceeded maximum value: {self.max_trade_size}")
	# Place individual trades at the specified time intervals
	while True:
		if self.trade_size >= self.IT:
			self.MarketOrder(symbol, - self.IT)
			self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, self.IT, self.Securities[symbol].Close * 1.02)
			self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, self.IT, self.Securities[symbol].Close * 0.98)
			self.trade_size -= self.IT
		elif self.trade_size < self.IT and self.trade_size != 0:
			self.MarketOrder(symbol, - self.trade_size)
			self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, self.trade_size, self.Securities[symbol].Close * 1.02)
			self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, self.trade_size, self.Securities[symbol].Close * 0.98)
		time.sleep((self.interval_size) / 1000)
	# Execute the trade after the specified duration

ExitTrade This function is responsible for exiting a trade by placing a buy order to cover the short position. It iterates over the portfolio holdings and checks if a holding is invested and is a short position. If it is, it places a market order to buy the quantity of shares equal to the absolute value of the holding's quantity.

    def ExitTrade(self):
	# Place a buy order to exit the trade
	self.Debug(f"Exiting Trade")
	for holding in self.Portfolio.Values:
		if holding.Invested and holding.IsShort:
			self.MarketOrder(holding.Symbol, abs(holding.Quantity))


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