Structure from motion (SfM) is the process of reconstruct- ing the 3D structure of a scene from its projections into a series of images taken from different viewpoints. The code was tested on two provided datasets of images and a new one acquired with a smart- phone camera. The result of this work is a point cloud that represents a 3D structure of a small scene acquired with our smartphone.
Prerequisites (in debian-based distro):
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libboost-filesystem-dev libopencv-dev libomp-dev sudo apt install libceres-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libgtest-dev libeigen3-dev
Build and run the executable:
mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make
Test the two applications (located inside the bin/ folder)
./matcher [focal length scale] ./basic_sfm
In the dataset/ folder there are two simple datasets with a collection of images, the corresponding camera calibration parameters file, and two preprocessed data files with the results of detection and feature matching for the two datasets to be used directly with basic_sfm.
For the provided datasets, set the focal lenght scale to 1.1, e.g.:
./matcher ../datasets/3dp_cam.yml ../datasets/images_1 data1.txt 1.1 ./matcher ../datasets/3dp_cam.yml ../datasets/images_2 data2.txt 1.1 ./matcher ../datasets/calib_final.yml ../datasets/images_3 data3.txt
./basic_sfm data1.txt cloud1.ply ./basic_sfm data2.txt cloud2.ply ./basic_sfm data3.txt cloud3.ply
To see the cloud
meshlab cloud1.ply meshlab cloud2.ply meshlab cloud3.ply