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Revert "[CORE-182] Move listRuntimes over to new Sam permissions model (
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This reverts commit 1030a2c.
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marctalbott committed Jan 17, 2025
1 parent 3fd8cc2 commit feda9f4
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,033 additions and 197 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ import cats.syntax.all._
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.google2.OperationName
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.{LabelMap, Runtime}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.SamResourceId.RuntimeSamResourceId
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.SamResourceId.{
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.config.Config
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.db.LeoProfile.api._
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.db.LeoProfile.dummyDate
Expand All @@ -24,6 +28,7 @@ import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.model.{
import{GcsBucketName, GoogleProject}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.model.{IP, WorkbenchEmail}

import java.util.UUID
import java.sql.SQLDataException
import java.time.Instant
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +70,6 @@ object RuntimeServiceDbQueries {
Option[(String, String)]

private object ListRuntimesRecord {
def apply(product: ListRuntimesProduct): ListRuntimesRecord = product match {
case (l,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,26 +307,33 @@ object RuntimeServiceDbQueries {

* List runtimes filtered by the given terms. Only return authorized resources (per reader*Ids and/or owner*Ids).
* @param labelMap
* @param excludeStatuses
* @param creatorEmail
* @param workspaceId
* @param cloudProvider
* @param runtimeIds
* @param readerRuntimeIds
* @param readerWorkspaceIds
* @param ownerWorkspaceIds
* @param readerGoogleProjectIds
* @param ownerGoogleProjectIds
* @return
def listRuntimes(runtimeIds: Set[SamResourceId] = Set.empty,
cloudContext: Option[CloudContext] = None,
cloudProvider: Option[CloudProvider] = None,
creatorEmail: Option[WorkbenchEmail] = None,
excludeStatuses: List[RuntimeStatus] = List.empty,
labelMap: LabelMap = Map.empty[String, String],
workspaceId: Option[WorkspaceId] = None
def listRuntimes(
// Authorizations
ownerGoogleProjectIds: Set[ProjectSamResourceId] = Set.empty,
ownerWorkspaceIds: Set[WorkspaceResourceSamResourceId] = Set.empty,
readerGoogleProjectIds: Set[ProjectSamResourceId] = Set.empty,
readerRuntimeIds: Set[SamResourceId] = Set.empty,
readerWorkspaceIds: Set[WorkspaceResourceSamResourceId] = Set.empty,

// Filters
cloudContext: Option[CloudContext] = None,
cloudProvider: Option[CloudProvider] = None,
creatorEmail: Option[WorkbenchEmail] = None,
excludeStatuses: List[RuntimeStatus] = List.empty,
labelMap: LabelMap = Map.empty[String, String],
workspaceId: Option[WorkspaceId] = None
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): DBIO[Vector[ListRuntimeResponse2]] = {
// Normalize filter params
val provider = if (cloudProvider.isEmpty) {
Expand All @@ -332,8 +343,93 @@ object RuntimeServiceDbQueries {
} else cloudProvider

val runtimes = clusterQuery
.filter(_.internalId inSetBind
// Optimize Google project list if filtering to a specific cloud provider or context
val ownedProjects: Set[CloudContextDb] = ((provider, cloudContext) match {
case (Some(CloudProvider.Azure), _) => Set.empty[CloudContextDb]
case (Some(CloudProvider.Gcp), Some(CloudContext.Gcp(value))) =>
ownerGoogleProjectIds.filter(samId => samId.googleProject == value)
case _ => ownerGoogleProjectIds
}).map { case samId: SamResourceId =>
val readProjects: Set[CloudContextDb] = ((provider, cloudContext) match {
case (Some(CloudProvider.Azure), _) => Set.empty[CloudContextDb]
case (Some(CloudProvider.Gcp), Some(CloudContext.Gcp(value))) =>
readerGoogleProjectIds.filter(samId => samId.googleProject == value)
case _ => readerGoogleProjectIds
}).map { case samId: SamResourceId =>

// Optimize workspace list if filtering to a single workspace
val ownedWorkspaces: Set[WorkspaceId] = (workspaceId match {
case Some(wId) => ownerWorkspaceIds.filter(samId => WorkspaceId(UUID.fromString(samId.resourceId)) == wId)
case None => ownerWorkspaceIds
}).map(samId => WorkspaceId(UUID.fromString(samId.resourceId)))
val readWorkspaces: Set[WorkspaceId] = (workspaceId match {
case Some(wId) => readerWorkspaceIds.filter(samId => WorkspaceId(UUID.fromString(samId.resourceId)) == wId)
case None => readerWorkspaceIds
}).map(samId => WorkspaceId(UUID.fromString(samId.resourceId)))

val readRuntimes: Set[String] = => readId.asString)

val runtimeInReadWorkspaces: Option[ClusterTable => Rep[Option[Boolean]]] =
if (readRuntimes.isEmpty || readWorkspaces.isEmpty)
Some(runtime =>
(runtime.internalId inSetBind readRuntimes) &&
(runtime.workspaceId inSetBind readWorkspaces)

val runtimeInReadProjects: Option[ClusterTable => Rep[Option[Boolean]]] =
if (readRuntimes.isEmpty || readProjects.isEmpty)
Some(runtime =>
(runtime.internalId inSetBind readRuntimes) &&
(runtime.cloudProvider.? === (CloudProvider.Gcp: CloudProvider)) &&
(runtime.cloudContextDb inSetBind readProjects)

val runtimeInOwnedWorkspaces: Option[ClusterTable => Rep[Option[Boolean]]] =
if (ownedWorkspaces.isEmpty)
Some(runtime => runtime.workspaceId inSetBind ownedWorkspaces)

val runtimeInOwnedProjects: Option[ClusterTable => Rep[Option[Boolean]]] =
if (ownedProjects.isEmpty)
else if (cloudContext.isDefined) {
// If cloudContext is defined, we're already applying the filter in runtimesFiltered below.
// No need to filter by the list of user owned projects anymore as long as the specified
// project is owned by the user.
if (ownedProjects.exists(x => x.value == cloudContext.get.asString))
Some(_ => Some(true))
else None
} else
Some(runtime =>
(runtime.cloudProvider.? === (CloudProvider.Gcp: CloudProvider)) &&
(runtime.cloudContextDb inSetBind ownedProjects)

val runtimesAuthorized =
clusterQuery.filter[Rep[Option[Boolean]]] { runtime: ClusterTable =>
.mapFilter(opt => opt)
.reduceLeftOption(_ || _)
.getOrElse(Some(false): Rep[Option[Boolean]])

val runtimesFiltered = runtimesAuthorized
// Filter by params
.filterOpt(workspaceId) { case (runtime, wId) =>
runtime.workspaceId === (Some(wId): Rep[Option[WorkspaceId]])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,6 +458,9 @@ object RuntimeServiceDbQueries {
.length === labelMap.size

// Assemble response
val runtimesJoined = runtimesFiltered
.on((runtime, runtimeConfig) => runtime.runtimeConfigId ===
.map { case (runtime, runtimeConfig) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,7 +498,7 @@ object RuntimeServiceDbQueries {

.map { records: Seq[ListRuntimesProduct] =>
.map(record => ListRuntimesRecord(record))
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ class AppDependenciesBuilder(baselineDependenciesBuilder: BaselineDependenciesBu

val azureService = new RuntimeV2ServiceInterp[IO](
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.google2.{
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.JsonCodec._
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.RuntimeImageType.{CryptoDetector, Jupyter, Proxy, Welder}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.SamResourceId.{
Expand All @@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.model.SamResourceAction.{
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.http.service.RuntimeServiceInterp._
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.model.SamResource.RuntimeSamResource
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.model.SamResourceAction._
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.model._
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.monitor.LeoPubsubMessage._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,19 +249,36 @@ class RuntimeServiceInterp[F[_]: Parallel](
for {
ctx <- as.ask

samResources <- samService.listResources(userInfo.accessToken.token, RuntimeSamResource.resourceType)
// throw 403 if user doesn't have project permission
hasProjectPermission <- cloudContext.traverse(cc =>
_ <- ctx.span.traverse(s => F.delay(s.addAnnotation("Done checking project permission with Sam")))

_ <- F.raiseWhen(!hasProjectPermission.getOrElse(true))(ForbiddenError(userInfo.userEmail, Some(ctx.traceId)))

(labelMap, includeDeleted, _) <- F.fromEither(processListParameters(params))
excludeStatuses = if (includeDeleted) List.empty else List(RuntimeStatus.Deleted)
creatorOnly <- F.fromEither(processCreatorOnlyParameter(userInfo.userEmail, params, ctx.traceId))

authorizedIds <- getAuthorizedIds(userInfo, creatorOnly)
_ <- ctx.span.traverse(s => F.delay(s.addAnnotation("Start DB query for listRuntimes")))
runtimes <- RuntimeServiceDbQueries
excludeStatuses = excludeStatuses,
creatorEmail = creatorOnly,
cloudContext = cloudContext,
labelMap = labelMap
// Authorization scopes
ownerGoogleProjectIds = authorizedIds.ownerGoogleProjectIds,
ownerWorkspaceIds = authorizedIds.ownerWorkspaceIds,
readerGoogleProjectIds = authorizedIds.readerGoogleProjectIds,
readerRuntimeIds = authorizedIds.readerRuntimeIds,
readerWorkspaceIds = authorizedIds.readerWorkspaceIds,
// Filters
excludeStatuses = excludeStatuses,
creatorEmail = creatorOnly,
cloudContext = cloudContext,
labelMap = labelMap

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -823,6 +840,55 @@ class RuntimeServiceInterp[F[_]: Parallel](

_ <- checkRuntimeAction(userInfo, cloudContext, runtimeName, runtime.samResource, action, userEmail)
} yield runtime

private[service] def getAuthorizedIds(
userInfo: UserInfo,
creatorEmail: Option[WorkbenchEmail] = None
)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[AuthorizedIds] = for {
// Authorize: user has an active account and has accepted terms of service
_ <- authProvider.checkUserEnabled(userInfo)

// Authorize: get resource IDs the user can see
// HACK: leonardo is modeling access control here, handling inheritance
// of workspace and project-level permissions. Sam and WSM already do this,
// and should be considered the point of truth.

// HACK: leonardo short-circuits access control to grant access to runtime creators.
// This supports the use case where `terra-ui` requests status of runtimes that have
// not yet been provisioned in Sam.
creatorRuntimeIdsBackdoor: Set[RuntimeSamResourceId] <- creatorEmail match {
case Some(email: WorkbenchEmail) =>
case None => F.pure(Set.empty: Set[RuntimeSamResourceId])

// v1 runtimes (sam resource type `notebook-cluster`) are readable only
// by their creators (`Creator` is the SamResource.Runtime `ownerRoleName`),
// if the creator also has read access to the corresponding SamResource.Project
creatorV1RuntimeIds: Set[RuntimeSamResourceId] <- authProvider
.listResourceIds[RuntimeSamResourceId](hasOwnerRole = true, userInfo)
readerProjectIds: Set[ProjectSamResourceId] <- authProvider
.listResourceIds[ProjectSamResourceId](hasOwnerRole = false, userInfo)

// v1 runtimes are discoverable by owners on the corresponding Project
ownerProjectIds: Set[ProjectSamResourceId] <- authProvider
.listResourceIds[ProjectSamResourceId](hasOwnerRole = true, userInfo)

// combine: to read a runtime, user needs to be at least one of:
// - creator of a v1 runtime (Sam-authenticated)
// - any role on a v2 runtime (Sam-authenticated)
// - creator of a runtime (in Leo db) and filtering their request by creator-only
readerRuntimeIds: Set[SamResourceId] = creatorV1RuntimeIds ++ creatorRuntimeIdsBackdoor
} yield AuthorizedIds(
ownerGoogleProjectIds = ownerProjectIds,
ownerWorkspaceIds = Set.empty,
readerGoogleProjectIds = readerProjectIds,
readerRuntimeIds = readerRuntimeIds,
readerWorkspaceIds = Set.empty

object RuntimeServiceInterp {
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