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[IA-5053] Add retries to SamService, flesh out more authz methods (#4779
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rtitle authored Sep 6, 2024
1 parent 0f69d85 commit 87b81f7
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Showing 11 changed files with 767 additions and 68 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import cats.mtl.Ask
import cats.syntax.all._
import okhttp3.Protocol
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.ApiClient
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.api.{AzureApi, GoogleApi, ResourcesApi}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.api.{AzureApi, GoogleApi, ResourcesApi, UsersApi}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.AppContext

import scala.concurrent.duration._
Expand All @@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ import scala.jdk.DurationConverters._
* Provides access to various Sam clients:
* - ResourcesApi is used for interacting with Sam resources and policies to enforce access control.
* - UsersApi is used for retrieving information about Sam users.
* - GoogleApi is used for Google-specific extensions for users, such as pet service accounts and proxy groups.
* - AzureApi is used for Azure-specific extensions for users, such as pet managed identities.
trait SamApiClientProvider[F[_]] {
def resourcesApi(token: String)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[ResourcesApi]
def usersApi(token: String)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[UsersApi]
def googleApi(token: String)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[GoogleApi]
def azureApi(token: String)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[AzureApi]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,4 +50,7 @@ class HttpSamApiClientProvider[F[_]](samUrl: String)(implicit F: Async[F]) exten

override def azureApi(token: String)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[AzureApi] =
getApiClient(token).map(api => new AzureApi(api))

override def usersApi(token: String)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[UsersApi] =
getApiClient(token).map(api => new UsersApi(api))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ object SamException {

def create(message: String, code: Int, traceId: TraceId): SamException =
new SamException(message, code, null, traceId)

* Extracts a useful message from a Sam client ApiException.
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
package org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.dao.sam

import cats.effect.Async
import cats.mtl.Ask
import cats.syntax.all._
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.RetryConfig
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.client.sam.ApiException
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.AppContext
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.util2.addJitter
import org.typelevel.log4cats.StructuredLogger

import scala.concurrent.duration._

object SamRetry {

* Initial delay of 1 second, exponential retry up to 5 times.
private val defaultSamRetryConfig =
RetryConfig(addJitter(1 seconds, 1 seconds), _ * 2, 5, isRetryable)

* Requests made through the Sam client library sometimes fail with timeouts, generally due to
* transient network or connection issues. When this happens, the client library will throw an API
* exceptions with status code 0 wrapping a SocketTimeoutException. These errors should always be
* retried.
private def isTimeoutException(apiException: ApiException): Boolean =
(apiException.getCode == 0) && apiException.getCause.isInstanceOf[SocketTimeoutException]

private def isRetryable(throwable: Throwable): Boolean = throwable match {
case e: ApiException =>
isTimeoutException(e) ||
e.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ||
e.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_BAD_GATEWAY ||
e.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ||
e.getCode == HttpStatus.SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT
case _ => false

* Retries an effect with a given retry configuration. Delegates to
* fs2.Stream.retry under the hood but adds logging on retries.
* @param retryConfig the retry config to use
* @param fa the effect to retry
* @param action String representing the retryable action for logging
* @return the first successful effect or the last error after retrying
def retry[F[_], A](retryConfig: RetryConfig)(fa: F[A], action: String)(implicit
F: Async[F],
logger: StructuredLogger[F],
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[A] = {
val faWithLogging = fa.onError {
case ex if retryConfig.retryable(ex) =>
ev.ask.flatMap(ctx =>"SamRetry: caught retry-able exception for $action: $ex"))
.retry[F, A](
.onError(ex =>
ev.ask.flatMap(ctx =>
logger.error(ctx.loggingCtx, ex)(s"SamRetry: failed $action after ${retryConfig.maxAttempts} tries")

* Convenience method which uses the default Sam retry policy and takes a
* thunk instead of an effect. Wraps the thunk in F.blocking(), which is convenient
* for working with the Java Sam client.
def retry[F[_], A](thunk: => A, action: String)(implicit
F: Async[F],
logger: StructuredLogger[F],
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[A] =
retry(defaultSamRetryConfig)(F.blocking(thunk), action)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,16 @@ package org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.dao.sam

import cats.mtl.Ask
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.{AppContext, CloudContext, WorkspaceId}
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.leonardo.{
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.model.WorkbenchEmail
import org.broadinstitute.dsde.workbench.model.{UserInfo, WorkbenchEmail}

* This class contains Leonardo's interactions with Sam.
Expand All @@ -13,45 +20,45 @@ trait SamService[F[_]] {

* Gets a user's pet GCP service account, using the user's token.
* @param userInfo the user info containing an access token
* @param bearerToken the user's access token
* @param googleProject the google project of the pet
* @param ev application context
* @return email of the pet service account, or SamException if the pet
* could not be retrieved.
def getPetServiceAccount(userInfo: UserInfo, googleProject: GoogleProject)(implicit
def getPetServiceAccount(bearerToken: String, googleProject: GoogleProject)(implicit
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[WorkbenchEmail]

* Gets a user's pet Azure managed identity, using the user's token.
* @param userInfo the user info containing an access token
* @param bearerToken the user's access token
* @param azureCloudContext the Azure cloud context
* @param ev application context
* @return email of the pet managed identity, or SamException if the pet
* could not be retrieved.
def getPetManagedIdentity(userInfo: UserInfo, azureCloudContext: AzureCloudContext)(implicit
def getPetManagedIdentity(bearerToken: String, azureCloudContext: AzureCloudContext)(implicit
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[WorkbenchEmail]

* Gets a user's pet GCP service account or Azure managed identity using the user's token.
* @param userInfo the user info containing an access token
* @param bearerToken the user's access token
* @param cloudContext GCP or Azure cloud context.
* @param ev application context
* @return email of the pet service account or pet managed identity, or SamException if
* the pet could not be retrieved.
def getPetServiceAccountOrManagedIdentity(userInfo: UserInfo, cloudContext: CloudContext)(implicit
def getPetServiceAccountOrManagedIdentity(bearerToken: String, cloudContext: CloudContext)(implicit
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[WorkbenchEmail] = cloudContext match {
case CloudContext.Gcp(googleProject) => getPetServiceAccount(userInfo, googleProject)
case CloudContext.Azure(azureCloudContext) => getPetManagedIdentity(userInfo, azureCloudContext)
case CloudContext.Gcp(googleProject) => getPetServiceAccount(bearerToken, googleProject)
case CloudContext.Azure(azureCloudContext) => getPetManagedIdentity(bearerToken, azureCloudContext)

* Gets the user's proxy group, using the Leo token.
* Gets a user's proxy group, using a Leonardo token.
* @param userEmail the user email
* @param ev application context
* @return email of the proxy group, or SamException if the pet could not be retrieved.
Expand All @@ -61,7 +68,7 @@ trait SamService[F[_]] {
)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[WorkbenchEmail]

* Gets a token for the user's pet service account, using the Leo token.
* Gets a token for a user's pet service account, using a Leonardo token.
* @param userEmail the user email
* @param googleProject the google project of the pet
* @param ev application context
Expand All @@ -83,12 +90,77 @@ trait SamService[F[_]] {
* method will not fail if a workspace cannot be retrieved. Logs and metrics are
* emitted for successful and failed workspace retrievals.
* @param userInfo the user info containing an access token
* @param bearerToken the user's access token
* @param googleProject the google project whose workspace parent to look up
* @param ev application context
* @return optional workspace ID
def lookupWorkspaceParentForGoogleProject(userInfo: UserInfo, googleProject: GoogleProject)(implicit
def lookupWorkspaceParentForGoogleProject(bearerToken: String, googleProject: GoogleProject)(implicit
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[Option[WorkspaceId]]

* Checks whether a user can perform an action on a Sam resource.
* @param bearerToken the user's access token
* @param samResourceId the Sam resource ID
* @param action the Sam action
* @param ev application context
* @return Unit if authorized, ForbiddenError if not authorized, SamException on errors.
def checkAuthorized(bearerToken: String, samResourceId: SamResourceId, action: String)(implicit
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[Unit]

* List all Sam resources a user has access to.
* @param bearerToken the user's access token
* @param samResourceType Sam resource type to list
* @param ev application context
* @return list of Sam resource IDs, or SamException on errors.
def listResources(bearerToken: String, samResourceType: SamResourceType)(implicit
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[List[String]]

* Creates a Sam resource.
* @param bearerToken the user's access token
* @param samResourceId the Sam resource ID
* @param parentProject optional parent google project resource.
* One of parentProject or parentWorkspace is required.
* @param parentWorkspace optional parent workspace resource.
* One of parentProject or parentWorkspace is required.
* @param policies optional mapping of policy name to policy data for the Sam resource.
* Note policy name can be an arbitrary string, but must be unique per
* resource. Policy data contains emails and Sam roles.
* @param ev application context
* @return Unit, or SamException on errors.
def createResource(bearerToken: String,
samResourceId: SamResourceId,
parentProject: Option[GoogleProject],
parentWorkspace: Option[WorkspaceId],
policies: Map[String, SamPolicyData]
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[Unit]

* Deletes a Sam resource.
* @param userEmail the user's access token
* @param samResourceId the Sam resource ID
* @param ev application context
* @return Unit, or SamException on errors
def deleteResource(bearerToken: String, samResourceId: SamResourceId)(implicit
ev: Ask[F, AppContext]
): F[Unit]

* Fetch the email from Sam associated with the user access token.
* @param bearerToken the user's access token
* @param ev application context
* @return user email, or SamException on errors
def getUserEmail(bearerToken: String)(implicit ev: Ask[F, AppContext]): F[WorkbenchEmail]

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