Original idea: signidice
Main components:
- Contract SDK (link) - SDK for writing, building and testing game contracts.
- RNG contract (link) - stub game contract to test RNG generator.
- RNG test (link) - RNG test runner.
- Requirements for games:
- Two parties only (e.g. a casino vs. a player);
- The game logic may require random number generation;
- When either party makes a move, a certain end state can be traced to choose the winner and/or distribute funds among participants.
- For example Dice, Roulette, Slots
- That example by default run in docker, so that can be run on any docker supported OS
- We use C++ for Smart Contracts and Test runner
- And a little bit of bash only for running the scripts
Is it a hardware or software-based RNG or a combination of both? Please provide any relevant details
- software-based
- 2048-bit RSA Signature + SHA-256 hash function
- Our solution has no RNG period, as we use a new unique seed each time a random number is generated. This seed is obtained by combining the user's game data (such as session number, game ID, etc.).
- original signidice range -
[0, 2^256 - 1] (hash size)
- PRNG range -
[0, 2^64 - 1] (uint64_t size)
Mathematical details of the methods for seeding and reseeding (e.g., seed entropy source, frequency of reseeding, size of a seed, etc.);
- seed type: uint64_t
- default test seeding approach:
const auto seed = time(NULL);
// our code uses c++ std::rand() function for all further random generation
- you can provide a custom
seed to test (see running examples below)
Details of all RNG / game implementation, including methods of scaling and mapping from raw RNG output to a game outcome.
- RNG related code(more details: link):
// ===================================================================
// Utility functions for operations with different types of PRNG seed
// ===================================================================
template <typename T,
class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned<T>::value>>
T cut_to(const checksum256& input) {
return cut_to<uint128_t>(input) % std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
template <> uint128_t cut_to(const checksum256& input) {
const auto& parts = input.get_array();
const uint128_t left = parts[0] % std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
const uint128_t right = parts[1] % std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
return (left << (sizeof(uint64_t) * 8)) | right;
std::array<uint64_t, 4> split(const checksum256& raw) {
const auto& parts = raw.get_array();
return std::array<uint64_t, 4>{
uint64_t(parts[0] >> 64),
uint64_t(parts[1] >> 64),
// ===================================================================
// Different PRNG implementations
// ===================================================================
/* Generic PRNG interface */
struct PRNG {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<PRNG>;
virtual ~PRNG() {};
// generates numbers in range [from, to)
virtual uint64_t next(uint64_t from, uint64_t to) = 0;
Implementation of generator based on sha256 mixing with rejection scheme
details: https://github.com/DaoCasino/PRNG/blob/master/PRNG.pdf
class ShaMixWithRejection : public PRNG {
constexpr static intx::uint256 UINT256_MAX = ~intx::uint256(0);
explicit ShaMixWithRejection(const checksum256& seed) : _s(to_intx(seed)) {}
explicit ShaMixWithRejection(checksum256&& seed) : _s(to_intx(seed)) {}
uint64_t next(uint64_t from, uint64_t to) override {
eosio::check(to > from, "invalid random range");
eosio::check(_cur_iter < UINT32_MAX, "too many next() calls");
const intx::uint256 delta(to - from);
const intx::uint256 cut_threshold = UINT256_MAX / delta * delta;
auto lucky_as_hash = mix_bytes();
auto lucky = to_intx(lucky_as_hash);
while (lucky >= cut_threshold) {
auto lucky_bytes = lucky_as_hash.extract_as_byte_array();
lucky_as_hash = eosio::sha256(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(lucky_bytes.data()), 32);
lucky = to_intx(lucky_as_hash);
return uint64_t(lucky % delta + from);
// 32bytes of seed and 4 of counter
checksum256 mix_bytes() {
static_assert(sizeof(_s) == 32, "invalid `_s` size, should be 32bytes");
std::array<uint8_t, 36> arr;
std::memcpy(arr.data(), &_s, sizeof(_s));
std::memcpy(arr.data() + 32, &_cur_iter, sizeof(_cur_iter));
return eosio::sha256(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(arr.data()), arr.size());
static intx::uint256 to_intx(const checksum256& hash) {
auto parts = hash.get_array();
return intx::uint256(
intx::uint128(uint64_t(parts[0] >> 64), uint64_t(parts[0])),
intx::uint128(uint64_t(parts[1] >> 64), uint64_t(parts[1]))
const intx::uint256 _s;
uint32_t _cur_iter { 0u };
// ===================================================================
// Shuffler functions
// ===================================================================
/* Shuffler overload for r-value prng */
template <class RandomIt>
void shuffle(RandomIt first, RandomIt last, PRNG::Ptr&& prng) { shuffle(first, last, prng); }
/* Standard shuffler implementation proposed by https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/random_shuffle */
template <class RandomIt>
void shuffle(RandomIt first, RandomIt last, PRNG::Ptr& prng) {
typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIt>::difference_type i, n;
n = last - first;
for (i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
std::swap(first[i], first[prng->next() % (i + 1)]);
// ===================================================================
// SIGNIDICE functions
// ===================================================================
Signidice sign check and calculation of a new 256-bit digest.
- prev_digest - signing digest
- sign - rsa sign
- pub_key - base64 encoded 2048-bit RSA public key
Returns - new 256-bit digest calculated from sign
checksum256 signidice(const checksum256& prev_digest, const std::string& sign, const std::string& rsa_key) {
eosio::check(daobet::rsa_verify(prev_digest, sign, rsa_key), "invalid rsa signature");
return eosio::sha256(sign.data(), sign.size());
- Usage example:
// get new random from generator
auto new_random = get_prng(std::move(rand_seed))->next();
- RNG process doesn’t use any database. But game-protocols do. DAOBet.
(Optional) If there is any additional documentation on your RNG available that would aid us in understanding its implementation to the game etc., it would be helpful.
- Original: signidice
You can launch our tests to understand the processes generating a random number between the clients with signature verification and generation in a smart-contract.
- docker > 18.0
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/DaoCasino/platform-prng
./cicd/run build
./cicd/run test
You can find available test parameters by calling:
./cicd/run test --help
Some examples:
pass a particular initial seed:
./cicd/run test --seed 42
set an upper bound of the generation range:
# will generate numbers in range [0,1000) ./cicd/run test --range 1000
define a number of iterations:
# will generate 100 random numbers ./cicd/run test --count 100
define columns amount:
# will generate 3x3 numbers matrix ./cicd/run test --columns 3 --count 3
generate raw 256-bit numbers:
# will generate 10 256-bet numbers and print in dec format ./cicd/run test --count 10 --raw true
write result to file:
# will write numbers to `result.txt` file ./cicd/run test --out result.txt
You can also combine all arguments to get a more preferable setup:
# will generate 999 lines with seed 42 in the range [0,1000) and write results to `results.txt` file ./cicd/run test --count 999 --seed 42 --range 100 --columns 3 --out result.txt