This document explains how to write SCORE unit-test using T-Bears unit-test framework.
Understand how to write SCORE unit-test
SCORE unittest should inherit ScoreTestCase
. The SCORE unit test code works as follows
- Get SCORE instance to be tested
- Call SCORE method
- Check the result
- Instantiate SCORE
- Instantiate SCORE. So, you can access attributes and methods of SCORE like a general object.
- Set
in SCORE- Provide the ability to set properties used inside SCORE methods.
- Mock state DB
- Store changed state caused by SCORE method invocation. The state is stored in memory, not in the file system.
- Mock event log
- It is sufficient to check that the event log has been called
- Mock internalCall(call external function in SCORE).
- The operation on the other SCORE is considered to be reliable. so, what you need is InternalCall called with specified arguments.
has 11 main methods. Inside setUp
method and tearDown
method, ScoreTestCase
sets the environment for SCORE unit-test and clears them. So, if you want to override setUp
or tearDown
, you should call super()
as a first statement in the overridden method.
Getting SCORE instance
- get_score_instance(score_class, owner, on_install_params)
- Get an instance of the SCORE class passed as an
argument - parameters
- score_class : SCORE to instantiate
- owner : Address to set as owner of SCORE
- on_install_params : parameters of on_install_method
- Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- Get an instance of the SCORE class passed as an
- update_score(prev_score_address, score_class, on_update_params)
- Update SCORE at
instance and get updated SCORE - parameters
- Prev_score_address : address of SCORE to update
- score_class : SCORE class to update
- on_update_params : parameters of on_update method
- Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- Update SCORE at
Setting SCORE properties
- set_msg(sender, value)
- Set msg property in SCORE
- parameters
- sender : Set sender attribute of msg to given sender argument
- value : Set value attribute of msg to given sender argument
- Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- set_tx(origin, timestamp, _hash, index, nonce)
- Set tx property in SCORE
- parameters
- origin : Set origin attribute of tx to given origin argument
- timestamp : Set timestamp attribute of tx to given timestamp argument
- _hash : Set hash attribute of tx to given _hash argument
- index : Set index attribute of tx to given index argument
- nonce : Set nonce attribute of tx to given nonce argument
- Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- set_block(height, timestamp)
Set the block property inside SCORE.
If you pass only height, the value of block.timestamp is set to height * 2 seconds.
When this method is called, the block_height inside the SCORE associated with the block is set to height, and the return value of the now () method is set to timestamp.
It should be called if you use the value associated with the block information in the SCORE method you are calling.
- height : Set height attribute of block to given height argument
- timestamp : Set timestamp attribute of block to given timestamp argument
Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
Patching InternalCall & asserting InternalCall
- register_interface_score(internal_score_address)
This method should be called before testing the internal_call that calls the SCORE method with an
address.If you call this method, you can use the
method to evaluate whether internal_call is called properly with specified arguments. -
- internal_score_address : address of interface SCORE
Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- patch_internal_method(score_address, method, new_method)
You will use this method for patching query method to set return value.
Since this function internally calls
, you don't need to callregister_interface_score
when calling this function.The third argument, the new method, must be a function with the same number of arguments as the actual method.
- internal_score_address : address of the SCORE having method to be called
- method : method to be patched
- new_method : method to patch
Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- assert_internal_call(internal_score_address, method, *params)
- assert that internal call(mock) was called with the specified arguments. Raises an AssertionError if the params passed in are different to the last call to the mock.
- parameters
- internal_score_address : address of internal call SCORE
- method : method to check
- params : params to check
- Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- transfer(_from, to, amount)
- Transfer icx to given 'to' address. If you pass a SCORE address to the
argument, this method calls the SCORE fallback method. - parameters
- _from : address of sender
- to : address of receiver
- amount : amount to transfer
- Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- Transfer icx to given 'to' address. If you pass a SCORE address to the
- get_balance(address)
- Query icx balance of given address.
- parameters
- address : address to query for icx balance
- Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
- initialize_accounts(accounts_info)
- Initialize accounts using given dictionary info.
- parameters
- accounts_info : dictionary with address as key and balance as value
- Refer to
method in simple_score2/tests/
In this example, we'll use two simple SCOREs only have getter and setter. (the first SCORE has getter and setter and another SCORE has internalCall, getter, and setter)
from iconservice import *
class SimpleScore(IconScoreBase):
def __init__(self, db: IconScoreDatabase) -> None:
self.value = VarDB("value", db, value_type=str)
def SetValue(self, value: str): pass
def on_install(self) -> None:
def on_update(self) -> None:
self.value.set("updated value")
def hello(self) -> str:
return "Hello"
def setValue(self, value: str):
def getValue(self) -> str:
return self.value.get()
from iconservice import *
class SimpleScoreInterface(InterfaceScore):
def setValue(self, value): pass
def getValue(self)->str: pass
class SimpleScore2(IconScoreBase):
def __init__(self, db: IconScoreDatabase) -> None:
self.value = VarDB("value1", db, value_type=str)
self.score_address = VarDB("score_address", db, value_type=Address)
def SetValue(self, value: str): pass
def SetSCOREValue(self, value: str): pass
def on_install(self, score_address: 'Address') -> None:
def on_update(self, value: str) -> None:
def getValue(self) -> str:
return self.value.get()
def setValue(self, value: str):
def setSCOREValue(self, value: str):
score = self.create_interface_score(self.score_address.get(), SimpleScoreInterface)
def getSCOREValue(self) ->str:
score = self.create_interface_score(self.score_address.get(), SimpleScoreInterface)
return score.getValue()
def write_on_readonly(self) ->str:
return 'd'
# This method is for understanding the ScoreTestCase.set_msg method.
def t_msg(self):
assert self.msg.sender == Address.from_string(f"hx{'1234'*10}")
assert self.msg.value == 3
# This method is for understanding the ScoreTestCase.set_tx method.
def t_tx(self):
assert self.tx.origin == Address.from_string(f"hx{'1234'*10}")
# This method is for understanding the ScoreTestCase.set_block method.
def t_block(self):
assert self.block.height == 3
assert self.block.timestamp == 30
assert self.block_height ==3
assert == 30
from iconservice import Address
from iconservice.base.exception import DatabaseException
from tbears.libs.scoretest.score_test_case import ScoreTestCase
from ..simple_score2 import SimpleScore2
class TestSimple(ScoreTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mock_score_address = Address.from_string(f"cx{'1234'*10}")
self.score2 = self.get_score_instance(SimpleScore2, self.test_account1,
on_install_params={'score_address': self.mock_score_address})
self.test_account3 = Address.from_string(f"hx{'12345'*8}")
self.test_account4 = Address.from_string(f"hx{'1234'*10}")
account_info = {
self.test_account3: 10 ** 21,
self.test_account4: 10 ** 21}
def test_set_value(self):
str_value = 'string_value'
# assert event log called with specified arguments
self.assertEqual(self.score2.getValue(), str_value)
def test_get_value_and_set_value(self):
# at first, value is empty string
self.assertEqual(self.score2.getValue(), '')
str_value = 'strValue'
self.assertEqual(self.score2.getValue(), str_value)
# try writing value inside readonly method
def test_write_on_readonly(self):
self.assertRaises(DatabaseException, self.score2.write_on_readonly)
# internal call
def test_internal_call(self):
self.patch_internal_method(self.mock_score_address, 'getValue', lambda: 150) # Patch the getValue function of SCORE at self.mock_score_address address with a function that takes no argument and returns 150
value = self.score2.getSCOREValue()
self.assertEqual(value, 150)
self.assert_internal_call(self.mock_score_address, 'getValue') # assert getValue in self.mock_score_address is called.
self.assert_internal_call(self.mock_score_address, 'setValue', 'asdf') # assert setValue in self.mock_score_address is called with 'asdf'
# internal call
def test_internal_call2(self):
# To determine whether a method is called properly with specified arguments, calling register_interface_score method is enough
self.assert_internal_call(self.mock_score_address, 'setValue', 'asdf')
def test_msg(self):
self.set_msg(Address.from_string(f"hx{'1234'*10}"), 3)
self.score2.t_msg() # On the upper line, set the msg property to pass the assert statement so that no exception is raised.
self.set_msg(Address.from_string(f"hx{'12'*20}"), 3)
self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.score2.t_msg) # On the upper line, set the msg property not to pass the assert statement, and raise an exception.
def test_tx(self):
self.score2.t_tx() # On the upper line, set the tx property to pass the assert statement so that no exception is raised.
self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.score2.t_tx) # On the upper line, set the tx property not to pass the assert statement, and raise an exception.
def test_block(self):
self.set_block(3, 30)
self.score2.t_block() # On the upper line, set the block property to pass the assert statement so that no exception is raised.
self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.score2.t_block) # On the upper line, set the block property not to pass the assert statement, and raise an exception.
def test_update(self):
self.score2 = self.update_score(self.score2.address, SimpleScore2, on_update_params={"value": "updated_value"})
self.assertEqual(self.score2.value.get(), "updated_value") # In the on_update method of SimpleScore2, set the value of the value to "updated_value".
def test_get_balance(self):
balance = self.get_balance(self.test_account3)
self.assertEqual(balance, 10**21)
def test_transfer(self):
# before calling transfer method, check balance of test_account3 and test_account4
amount = 10**21
balance_3 = self.get_balance(self.test_account3)
self.assertEqual(balance_3, amount)
balance_4 = self.get_balance(self.test_account4)
self.assertEqual(balance_4, amount)
self.transfer(self.test_account3, self.test_account4, amount)
# after calling transfer method, check balance of test_account3 and test_account4
balance_3 = self.get_balance(self.test_account3)
self.assertEqual(balance_3, 0)
balance_4 = self.get_balance(self.test_account4)
self.assertEqual(balance_4, amount*2)
Run test code
$ tbears test simple_score2
Ran 11 tests in 0.027s