This Nagios/Icinga check provides a check for the node synchronization of Puppet Nodes querying directly the PuppetDB. It will report nodes, which have not reported back to the Puppetserver or nodes which have failed runs.
The check uses Python3 and the following Python modules:
- pypuppetdb - choose correct version for your PuppetDB version
- nagiosplugin
pip3 install nagiosplugin pypuppetdb
python3 install
Be sure to select the corret pypuppetdb version for your PuppetDB.
The check usages a PuppetDB on localhost:8080 by default. You will get a help using:
check_puppet_nodesync -h
A successful run would show something like this:
PUPPETNODESYNC CRITICAL - Hosts:, failed | nodes_changed=58 nodes_failed=2 nodes_ignored=0 nodes_in_sync=221 nodes_no_sync=3 nodes_total=226 nodes_unchanged=164
- PuppetDB SSL Cert connections
- Python 2.x support