Powered by: Smod2
- Versus - Everyone has a gun, D-Class and Scientists fights in LCZ
- Dziady - Only SCP is 049, GATE A is opened, sometimes zombies are spawning
- Blackout - The lights go off and you have a flashlight running low
- Saxton Hale - Boss fight with superpowers
- Download lastest version from: https://github.com/Crawcik/SL-EventPack/releases/
- Move "EventManager.dll" to GameFolder/sm-plugins/
- Run server once (Plugin will create folder)
- Put Gamemodes/Events to GameFolder/sm-plugins/Events/
- You can get default plugins that I created: https://github.com/Crawcik/SL-EventPack/releases/ (from EventsPack.zip)
- You can get some from community (if someone made)
- You can create your own. Use "EventManager.dll" as reference in CSPROJ, and add to your class "EventManager.GameEvents" class as base class
- Open GameFolder/sm-plugins/Events/translation.json and change text
- Download lastest "Smod2 FILES" from: https://github.com/ServerMod/Smod2/releases/
- Unzip folder and move files to GameFolder/SCPSL_Data/Managment/
- Run server for first configuration
- Folder GameFolder/sm-plugins/ will be automatically created