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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 15, 2018. It is now read-only.


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This project is no longer in development. A newer version of Conjure is in active development.

w e b

Conjure Web

Easily test branches, without altering your local.

Env Vars

Any sensitive keys should be set in .hob/.env, which is applied before running the Docker instance.

Local dev should pull ../conjure-core/.hob/.env

Local Development

brew install yarn
brew install dnsmasq
yarn global add eslint babel-eslint jscs webpack
yarn install

dnsmasq needs some extra config. It allows you to use any .test domain (conjure.test, abc.view.conjure.test, etc), which is needed for viewing running containers.

See this guide for instructions (but replace dev with test, since Chrome now hijacks the .dev domain).

Database Setup

This needs to be done for running the app. Though only needs to be done once, on a machine.

On staging or production you would want to set a password...

# this example has no password (-W)
# this example sets the user as a superuser (-s)
createuser -W -D -s conjure_admin

Or, on local, do:

createuser --createdb --adduser --no-password conjure_admin

Then, in sql:

CREATE DATABASE conjure OWNER conjure_admin;
Running Dev
NODE_ENV=development yarn start
yarn Commands
# starts the dev app
npm run dev

# run lints
npm run lint

# re-compiles client assets
npm run compile

# starts the dev app,
# and resets the db first
npm run dev:fresh-db
Additional Options
# starts the app, but preserves existing db
KEEP_DB=true npm start


npm run build

Fresh server setup

Must be an Ubuntu EC2

When done, add it to a LB

  1. ssh-keygen (do not do this on your local...)
  2. save public key as a deploy key on repo, on github
  3. git clone
  4. sudo apt update
  5. sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib redis-tools
  6. curl -sL | sudo bash -
  7. sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  8. sudo -E npm i -g pm2
  9. sudo -E npm i -g next
  10. sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /home/ubuntu/.config
  11. in proj dir, save .hob/.env (make sure NODE_PATH is set to the right dir)
  12. in proj dir, npm install
  13. in proj dir, npm run compile
  14. in proj dir, npm run build
  15. in proj dir, pm2 start ./bash/pm2/ --name "conjure-web"


brings your branches to life






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