This project is no longer in development. A newer version of Conjure is in active development.
w e b
Easily test branches, without altering your local.
Any sensitive keys should be set in .hob/.env
, which is applied before running the Docker instance.
Local dev should pull ../conjure-core/.hob/.env
brew install yarn
brew install dnsmasq
yarn global add eslint babel-eslint jscs webpack
yarn install
dnsmasq needs some extra config. It allows you to use any .test
domain (conjure.test
, abc.view.conjure.test
, etc), which is needed for viewing running containers.
See this guide for instructions (but replace dev
with test
, since Chrome now hijacks the .dev
This needs to be done for running the app. Though only needs to be done once, on a machine.
On staging or production you would want to set a password...
# this example has no password (-W)
# this example sets the user as a superuser (-s)
createuser -W -D -s conjure_admin
Or, on local, do:
createuser --createdb --adduser --no-password conjure_admin
Then, in sql:
CREATE DATABASE conjure OWNER conjure_admin;
NODE_ENV=development yarn start
# starts the dev app
npm run dev
# run lints
npm run lint
# re-compiles client assets
npm run compile
# starts the dev app,
# and resets the db first
npm run dev:fresh-db
# starts the app, but preserves existing db
KEEP_DB=true npm start
npm run build
Must be an Ubuntu EC2
When done, add it to a LB
(do not do this on your local...)- save public key as a deploy key on repo, on github
git clone
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib redis-tools
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo -E npm i -g pm2
sudo -E npm i -g next
sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /home/ubuntu/.config
- in proj dir, save
(make sureNODE_PATH
is set to the right dir) - in proj dir,
npm install
- in proj dir,
npm run compile
- in proj dir,
npm run build
- in proj dir,
pm2 start ./bash/pm2/ --name "conjure-web"