Releases: ColibrITD-SAS/mpqp
What's Changed
This feature mainly fix some non-expected behaviors and bugs on the core and connection part, and enlarge the possibilities for some existing features (dynamic circuits, pauli string decomposition and symbolic coefficients).
New features
- More flexibility with dynamic size of circuit and basis by @JulienCalistoTD and @Henri-ColibrITD in #120
- Pauli strings can now have symbolic coefficients by @JulienCalistoTD in #122
- New Pauli decomposition methods for general and diagonal observables by @MoHermes and @hJaffaliColibritd in #123
Fixes and extras
- AWS connection was broken and did not handle SSO by @MoHermes and @hJaffaliColibritd in #121
- Conversion to Cirq circuits now bypasses OpenQASM2 by @JulienCalistoTD in #119
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
What's Changed
- Qiskit automatic updatee by @JulienCalistoTD and @Henri-ColibrITD in #115
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1
What's Changed
This feature brings a new provider: Azure, as well as many new circuit components: noise models, custom gates, custom basis measurements, breakpoints, and more...
New features
- Qiskit migration from 0.45.0 to 1.1.0 by @hJaffaliColibritd in #56
- QLM migration to latest version by @Henri-ColibrITD and @JulienCalistoTD
- New provider alert! Azure is now available by @JulienCalistoTD in #81
- BitFlip, Phase Damping and Amplitude Damping noises by @MoHermes in #71, #72 and #95
- Dynamic instructions by @JulienCalistoTD in #57, #75
- Custom basis by @Henri-ColibrITD, @MoHermes and @hJaffaliColibritd in #101
- Custom gates by @hJaffaliColibritd and @JulienCalistoTD in #90 and #89
- Breakpoints by @Henri-ColibrITD in #68
- Pauli string from and to other language by @JulienCalistoTD and @Henri-ColibrITD in #76
- Circuit to matrix and gate to matrix by @JulienCalistoTD in #70
- More Qiskit error models by @MoHermes in #78
- Interoperability between mpqp and qasm by @JulienCalistoTD in #82, #85 and #102
- IBM Simulated device by @hJaffaliColibritd in #97
- Automated type checker in CI by @MoHermes and @Henri-ColibrITD in #73
- Automated formatter in CI by @MoHermes and @Henri-ColibrITD in #79
- Statistical noisy tests by @Henri-ColibrITD and @MoHermes in #59
- Braket naive cost estimation by @hJaffaliColibritd in #99
- Overall feature feature parity between all providers, devices, etc...
- Gate to matrix was incorrect in some cases by @JulienCalistoTD in #74
- Cirq obsservable variance was incorrect in some cases by @JulienCalistoTD in #69
- Inverse gates are handled better by @JulienCalistoTD in #104
- Qiskit shots changed behavior (precision is now prefered), we added retrocompatibility by @hJaffaliColibritd in #97
- Various quality of life improvement, better english, broken links fixes and so on... by @Henri-ColibrITD, @aoife-boyle, @JulienCalistoTD and @ah4dev
New Contributors
- @aoife-boyle made their first contribution in #111
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- fix: relaxed the versions dependency so the install works on mac by @Henri-ColibrITD in #65
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2
What's Changed
- feat: examples and notebooks are now tested to ensure their correctness by @JulienCalistoTD in #60
- feat: import of mpqp is 400% faster by @Henri-ColibrITD in 8962a90, ...
- doc and fixes: a myriad of small fixes by @Henri-ColibrITD, @hJaffaliColibritd, @MoHermes and @JulienCalistoTD in #52, #54, #55, ...
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1
What's Changed
- feat: noise integration by @hJaffaliColibritd and @MoHermes in #46
- feat: a new provider has arrived! Cirq by @JulienCalistoTD in #33, #43, ...
- feat: new operators: Paulistring by @Henri-ColibrITD and @JulienCalistoTD in #31, #32, ...
- feat: automated mac install by @Henri-ColibrITD in #36
- feat: new testing abilities, using doctest by @JulienCalistoTD in #44
- feat: faster imports by @Henri-ColibrITD in #42
- doc: changelog token added by @Henri-ColibrITD in #20
- doc: links to github and documentation by @Henri-ColibrITD in #21 and #22
- ...and a lot of small things!
New Contributors
- @MoHermes made their first contribution in #24
- @JulienCalistoTD made their first contribution in #31
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.2.0
What's Changed
Everything! This is the earliest supported version
- Circuits can be created
- Circuits can be converted to OpenQASM 2 and 3
- Circuits can be run against a handful of supported backends (AWS, IBM, Eviden)
- The package is available on pypi
- Documentation is automatically generated and published
- Tests occur on every change of the dev branch
- The package is uploaded to pypi each time the version is bumped
We use semantic versioning. (major.minor.bugfix
, with major
implying breaking changes, minor
new features and bugfix
simple bug fixes).
You might notice "holes" in the versions sequence. This is due to non relevant versions being removed from the versions list (for example is only the documentation changed, only the CI changed, etc...)
Full Changelog: 0.0.0...v0.1.6
What's Changed
MPQP now exists on github :)
Full Changelog: