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Releases: Coinversable/validana-client

Validana Client 2.2.0

02 Nov 14:53
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  • (Minor) Now uses @sentry/browser instead of Raven. Depricated setRelease(), instead set it during initialization of Log module if used.
  • (Minor) When providing 'wait' for process requests now replies with processed transaction.
  • Deprecated isConnected(), replaced with connectionStatus() for a clearer name.

Validana Client 2.0.5

26 Nov 13:25
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  • (MAJOR) Removed angular components. Eighter include it as an npm package or add it as a script on the webpage.
  • (MAJOR) When using processTx it will always use the latest version of the contract, rather then the first.
  • (MAJOR) PublicKey.getPublicKey() is now PublicKey.publicKey and PublicKey.verify(key,hash) is now new PublicKey(key).verify(data). Public key contructor no longer accepts an ECPair object. This makes it work the same as PublicKey in Validana Core.
  • (MAJOR) Transactions created with processTx() and signAndSend() are now by default valid for 15 minutes instead of forever. This means if after 15 minutes the transaction is not processed you can create a new transaction without worrying it will be executed twice. They now also by default wait for a connection to be established before sending rather then throwing an error.
  • (MAJOR) StringMap is now depricated. Use the normal Map or polyfills in case es5 needs to be supported.
  • (MAJOR) New option to connect to multiple validana servers. This replaces the Client.init() option to use a different url for processing transactions.
  • (MAJOR) Client.sign(data,privateKey) has been depricated. Use privateKey.sign(data) instead.
  • (MAJOR) observer/observerable have been depricated. Client.addObserver(listener) should use Client.on(listener) instead.
  • (MINOR) Added html files for executing any smart contracts and generating private keys. Serves as an example of how to use it and a simple tool for testing. Try it at:
  • (MINOR) Client.init() now returns a promise to allow waiting for a connection before continuing. Note that if there is no server listening this will take forever.
  • Added tests.
  • Various other bugfixes and performance improvements.

Validana Client 1.0.0

20 Jun 07:39
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Initial release.