SQL-Database for school project
Developed in order of gibb school in Bern, Switzerland.
Contact: Michael Abplanalp
This database is a project at school where we're learning to create a database
for a client. It's like a contest, because two groups have the same database project.
- Tim d'Amato (VI) {unknown e-mail address}
- Tobias Rüedi (IV) rueedi.tobias@gmail.com
- Frithjof Hoppe (INSERT PRICES INTO Bestellung; VII) frithjof.hoppe@icloud.com
- Javier Martinez Alvarez (V) jmartinezalvarez0@gmail.com
- Philippe Krüttli (VIII) philippe.kruettli@gmx.ch
- IV: Previous purchases should be viewable (needed for warranty).
TABLES: Bestellung, Artikel, Kunde
- V: Clients can rate articles they've already bought.
TABLES: Bewertung, Artikel, Kunde
- VI: Prices can be updated easily per category (dicounts).
TABLES: Unterkategorie (attribute: AktionID)
- VII: Each order has a state (ordered, in process, delivered).
TABLES: Bestellung, Artikel, Kunde
- VIII: The shop owner can query the sales sorted and ordered by:
- MAX (Category, Subcategory, Article)
- MIN (Category, Subcategory, Article)
- AVG (Category, Subcategory, Article)
- Categories (Subcategory, Article)
- Clientgroup (Category, Subcategory, Article)
TABLES: Bestellung, Artikel, Kunde
12.06.2017 V0.1 Delivery at school (full ERD and ERM)