A Swift package for email functionality, including IMAP and SMTP clients.
SwiftMail is a comprehensive email package that includes:
- SwiftIMAP: Library for interacting with IMAP servers
- SwiftSMTP: Library for sending emails via SMTP servers
- SwiftMailCore: Core functionality shared between email protocols
- Connect to IMAP servers securely using SSL/TLS
- Authenticate with username and password
- Select mailboxes and retrieve mailbox information
- Fetch email headers and message parts
- Handle MIME-encoded content and quoted-printable encoding
- Connect to SMTP servers with support for secure connections
- Support for both plain and SSL/TLS connections
- STARTTLS support for upgrading connections
- Authentication using PLAIN and LOGIN methods
- Send emails with attachments
- Properly formatted MIME content
- Shared networking utilities
- Email address handling and formatting
- Credential redaction for secure logging
- String and data utilities for email processing
The package includes command line demos that showcase the functionality of both the IMAP and SMTP libraries:
- SwiftIMAPCLI: Demonstrates IMAP operations like listing mailboxes and fetching messages
- SwiftSMTPCLI: Demonstrates sending emails via SMTP
Both demos look for a .env
file in the current working directory for configuration. Create a .env
file with the following variables:
# IMAP Configuration
# SMTP Configuration
To run the demos:
# Run the IMAP demo
swift run SwiftIMAPCLI
# Run the SMTP demo
swift run SwiftSMTPCLI
# Run with debug logging enabled (recommended for development)
The debug logging options:
: Enables trace level loggingOS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE=debug
: Formats debug output in a readable way
import SwiftIMAP
// Create an IMAP server connection
let imapServer = IMAPServer(host: "imap.example.com", port: 993)
// Connect to the server
try await imapServer.connect()
// Login with credentials
try await imapServer.login(username: "user@example.com", password: "password")
// Select a mailbox
let mailboxInfo = try await imapServer.selectMailbox("INBOX")
print("Mailbox has \(mailboxInfo.messageCount) messages")
// Use the convenience method to get the latest 10 messages
if let latestMessagesSet = mailboxStatus.latest(10) {
let emails = try await server.fetchMessages(using: latestMessagesSet)
print("\n📧 Latest Emails (\(emails.count)) 📧")
for (index, email) in emails.enumerated() {
print("\n[\(index + 1)/\(emails.count)] \(email.debugDescription)")
print("No messages found in INBOX")
// Logout and close the connection
try await imapServer.logout()
try await imapServer.close()
import SwiftSMTP
// Create an SMTP server connection
let smtpServer = SMTPServer(host: "smtp.example.com", port: 587)
// Connect to the server
try await smtpServer.connect()
// Authenticate with the server
try await smtpServer.authenticate(username: "user@example.com", password: "password")
// Create an email
let sender = EmailAddress(address: "sender@example.com", name: "Sender Name")
let recipient = EmailAddress(address: "recipient@example.com", name: "Recipient Name")
let email = Email(
sender: sender,
recipients: [recipient],
subject: "Hello from SwiftSMTP",
body: "This is a test email sent using SwiftSMTP."
// Send the email
try await smtpServer.sendEmail(email)
// Disconnect from the server
try await smtpServer.disconnect()
The project uses Swift Testing for unit tests. To run the tests:
swift test
- Swift 5.9+
- macOS 11.0+
- iOS 14.0+
- tvOS 14.0+
- watchOS 7.0+
- macCatalyst 14.0+
- SwiftNIO
- SwiftNIOIMAP (for IMAP only)
- SwiftDotenv (for CLI demos)
- Swift Testing (for tests only)
- Swift Logging
This project is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.