Version 1.5.3
- FIXED: When encountering an unknown font family a NULL font would be returned, causing crashes in connection with lists
- FIXED: Strings with attachments would not get a font assigned when using DTCoreText via CocoaPods
- FIXED: DTHTMLWriter now properly escapes tab characters found in attributed strings
- FIXED: Crash when encountering characters post end of closing HTML tag
- FIXED: Loading available fonts into override table would lock on synchronize, causing a long delay for parsing
- FIXED: sizeThatFits would return incorrect value for empty string
- FIXED: Position of highlighting on RTL text was incorrect
- ADDED: Delegates are now using zeroing weak references if permitted by the deployment target setting
- ADDED: Documentation for DTTextAttachment to note that parsed attributes are lower-case
- UPDATED: DTFoundation to 1.4.3