<<<<<<< HEAD Simple Django back-end to send email using SendGrid’s Web API.
Sendgrid API only handles plain text and HTML type of content. Any e-mail alternative content with an unhanded type of content will be dropped! ======= Simple django backend to send email using SendGrid's Web API. >>>>>>> upstream/master
Install the backend from PyPI:
pip install sendgrid-django
Add the following to your project's settings.py:
EMAIL_BACKEND = "sgbackend.SendGridBackend"
SENDGRID_API_KEY = "Your SendGrid API Key"
Or, SendGrid username and password can be used instead of an API key:
EMAIL_BACKEND = "sgbackend.SendGridBackend"
SENDGRID_USER = "Your SendGrid Username"
SENDGRID_PASSWORD = "Your SendGrid Password"
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
send_mail("Your Subject", "This is a simple text email body.",
"Yamil Asusta <hello@yamilasusta.com>", ["yamil@sendgrid.com"])
# or
mail = EmailMultiAlternatives(
subject="Your Subject",
body="This is a simple text email body.",
from_email="Yamil Asusta <hello@yamilasusta.com>",
headers={"Reply-To": "support@sendgrid.com"}
mail.attach_alternative("<p>This is a simple HTML email body</p>", "text/html")
Enjoy :)