Project Title: Goal Getter: Make Goals Better
Contributors: Alexis Rudy, Ben Wassum, Dylan Butterfield, Jonathan Leonardson, Kevin Correia, Logan Wagstaff
Project Description: A program that gamifies goals. It allows people to play a game on achieving their real life goals and earn either in game rewards or real life rewards depending on their points.
Project Goals:
- Work together as a group to design and progress in a larger project.
- Understand a new software: UNITY
- More practice with C# in an application setting
- Splitting larger projects into smaller pieces
- Being able to integrate multiple smaller projects into a larger main project
- Goalkeeping
- Make goals
- Display goals
- Complete goals
- Keep points
- Spend points
- Create World
- Make background
- Import character
- Main menu
- Shop
- Make it pretty!
- Integrate
- Create and store goals
- Complete goals to acquire points
- Store/save points
- Create a shop with items
- Points used in a shop to get "rewards"
- Main menu
- Main screen with character
- Allow people to customize character
- More items in the shop to buy for character creation
- Have a database to store users, goals, and points
Team-Member Tasks
- UI Programming:
- Alexis: Created base goal program & creating database
- Kevin: Created main UNITY program that will be used for goalkeeping, points and store
- Logan: Created prototype UNITY goal program to integrate into other programs. Completed ReadMe
- World Creation & Design:
- Dylan: Created main scene and character
- Jonathan: Created start screen and music
- Ben: Created program diagram
Steps to build and/or run the software:
- Must have Unity installed
- Take Unity files in this GitHub and import them into Unity program
- Implement files into program to have it re-create the program
- **Github hates Unity files, if you want a video let us know becuase its really confusing
Instructions for using the software:
- Main menu will open, press start to begin, or press other options to see what they do.
- You will see a breakdancing character in the middle of the screen. There will be buttons on the top left, select the option you want.
- Quit will take you back to the main menu.
- The goal selection will open the goal tab and you can add/complete/view goals from this tab.
- The store selection will open the store, which will use your points to buy (give permission to buy) "real" life items.
To recreate the development environment, you need the following software and/or libraries with the specified versions:
- Unity was our development environment.
- We will try to attach C# scripts for viewing.
- Everything should be inside the scripts and/or the Unity program.
We used these sources to help progress our project:
- Inspiration: Pokémon JavaScript Game Tutorial with HTML Canvas
- Help with Unity: Chat GPT
- Unity Cloud: Unity Website
- Firebase Database: Firebase
- Unity Docs: Unity
- Youtube Tutorial: YouTube
These are some ideas for future work:
- Publish game to a platform
- Make mobile version
- Make a competitive mode