Project Title: TaskScheduler
Project Description: The will help the user to keep track of tasks and focus on tasks near to the due date.
Project Goals: Develop a basic knowledge of the kotlin language and prepare to do a mobile app.
Steps to build and/or run the software:
- First, you should compile from kotlin to jvm. kotlinc Program.kt -include-runtime -cp gson-2.11.0.jar -d Program.jar
- Now you can run the Program.jar using java java -cp "Program.jar;gson-2.11.0.jar" ProgramKt
Instructions for using the software:
- Opening the Program you can follow the prompts to add tasks.
- You can save it using the correct prompt.
- When you open it again, you can Load your previous created tasks.
To recreate the development environment, you need the following software and/or libraries with the specified versions:
- Download any jvm run
- Download Kotlin
- Download Gson.jar
I found these websites useful in developing this software:
- microsoft colab.
The following items I plan to fix, improve, and/or add to this project in the future:
- I want to add a gui.
- Add a option to mark as complete instead remove it.
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