Project Title:
Nutrition Monitor
Project Description:
The app will be able to record a list of foods and their macronutrients and use this data to calculate how many calories these foods on a diet would give the user.
Project Goals: My goal on this project is to understand more about how things work on the backend. I chose it because I would be able to apply what I have learned about HTML, CSS, JS, Python, and a database.
Steps to build and/or run the software:
- Download Python
- have the pip installed
- use the pip to install the django
- Start the manager to run the server.
Instructions for using the software:
- The user can put a calories goal.
- The users can put the foods that they want to eat.
- The program will give how much calories and some information related to this diet
- The user can add more foods going to the database page.
- The user can remove a food typing it name in the database delete page.
To recreate the development environment, you need the following software and/or libraries with the specified versions:
- Python
- Django
- pip
- path to these python files configured in the enviroment variables
I found these websites useful in developing this software:
- copilot
The following items I plan to fix, improve, and/or add to this project in the future:
- I will fix the css
- I will create a food list for each day
- I will do authentication