Table of Contents
Shanghai Library provides a rich repository of high-quality cultural data, allowing me to leverage my skills in data analysis and visualization to nurture creativity and explore new horizons in the field of "AI Empowering the Humanities." Throughout the development process, I've had the chance to learn and apply my knowledge, creating new chapters using the extensive movie data available, thus continuing to shine brightly in the present day.
TheatreTale: The Rise and Fall of Theaters in Shanghai
MoodFlix: Emotional Mining, Perception, and Matching of Classic Movies
MovieCast: Chronology Based on Network Analysis
CineSnap: Analysis of Still Images in Relation to Historical Context
- 老电影知识库
- 电影元数据4129部
- 影人5500人
- 4012位演员
- 915位导演
- 272位编剧
- 影戏院9家
- 电影期刊400种
- 篇目84099篇
- 电影音频44段
- 电影视频154段
- 电影老照片1740张
- 588张电影剧照
- 1154张书影照片
Clone the repo
git clone
Start the front-end and back-end projects separately
npm install npm start
mvn clean install
Geographic Information Systems and Historical Reconstruction which facilitated the geographical visualization display of theater data
Sentiment Analysis and Audio-Visual Processing involve in-depth exploration of emotional elements in films, encompassing restoration and colorization
Knowledge Graphs and Innovative Interaction utilize knowledge graphs to enable virtual interactions between users and veteran actors
The Exploration of the AI Lab such as image style transfer
Large-Scale Data Analysis and Comprehensive Digital Humanities Research
For more details, please refer to the Website
- 千人千面:基于向量数据库的问答
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the Apache License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Gavin Chen -
Project Link:
2023 上海图书馆开放数据竞赛 Shanghai Library Open Data Contest Frist Prize🥇
2023 Web3创新大赛 Web3.0 Innovation Hackathon Second Prize 🥈
Lots of projects that may be helpful to this project.
- 老照片上色: 通过PaddleHub的deoldify实现黑白照上色
- 电影票:CSS Ticket
- 恢复色彩:The Klimt Color Enigma
- 新旧比较:JuxtaposeJS
- 漫威封面:Stan Lee - In Memoriam (CSS Grid)
- 细胞图:Force Layout Cells / Patrick Sier D3的cells
- 艺术情感地图: Art Emotions Map
- 音谱:range slider and selectors
- 行走模拟器:Crowd Simulator
- 星空:Parallax Star background in CSS
- 标题动效:COSMOS Title Card CSS3
- 响应式相册:Accordion Image Gallery
- Slider:Clean Slider With Curved Background
- 纵向相册:CSS-Only Horizontal Parallax Gallery
- 3D元素周期表:基于three.js的3D炫酷元素周期表
- 网络可视化:Drag Queens: Netwerk Diagram / Tanya Shapiro