My personal projects website. Entirely hand written in VS Code.
It's not finished yet.
- JavaScript based responsive navigation bar. (8/4/21)
- main.js JavaScript source file. (8/4/21)
- Public PGP Key added to contact.html. (8/11/21)
- Code for wrapping screen content for easier mobile viewing. (9/15/21)
- INDEV BRANCH (9/15/21)
- Skip Navigation hidden button (1/14/22)
- archival.html, store.html, 90's style buttons (6/8/22)
- script/test.js (8/4/21)
- test.html (8/4/21)
- A ton of useless class tags (8/5/21)
- Old navbar code in css/main.css (8/11/21)
- Link to resource.html (1/14/22)
- about.html, contact.html, resource.html (6/8/22)
- Rounded CSS look (1/14/22)
- Content (1/14/22)
- Archival Page (6/8/22)
- Random header splash pulled from json file using javascript (6/14/22)
- Animations
- Store Page
- Gallery