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Ingest data into the CanDIGv2 stack. This repository assumes that you have a functional instance of the CanDIGv2 software stack.

This repository can either be run standalone or as a Docker container.

Step-by-step guide to ingesting data into the CanDIG platform

Please visit our Documentation website for a full run-down of the data ingest process.

Managing user roles using the ingest API

Please visit our Documentation website for detailed documentation about how user roles are managed in CanDIG via the API. The openapi schema can also be consulted for a definitive guide to endpoints. This is also available via our documentation website here or swaggerized here.

Run as Docker Container

The containerized version runs the API as specified above within a Docker container (which is how this repository is used in the CanDIGv2 stack). To run, ensure you have docker installed and CanDIGv2 running, then run the following commands:

docker build . --build-arg venv_python=3.10 --build-arg alpine_version=3.14 -t ingest_app
docker run -p 1236:1235 -e CANDIG_URL="$CANDIG_URL" -e KEYCLOAK_PUBLIC_URL="$KEYCLOAK_PUBLIC_URL" -e VAULT_URL="http://candig.docker.internal:8200" -e CANDIG_CLIENT_ID="$CANDIG_CLIENT_ID" -e CANDIG_CLIENT_SECRET="$CANDIG_CLIENT_SECRET" --name candig-ingest-dev --add-host candig.docker.internal:[YOUR LOCAL IP] ingest_app

Also, Note that VAULT_URL's host is often set as, which the container may not be able to access; if so, set it to candig.docker.internal:8200 (or whatever your vault port is).

This will start a Docker container with a REST API for the ingest at localhost:1236. Then follow the same API instructions above.

(Note: on the CanDIGv2 repo, the service runs on port 1235; it is run as 1236 locally in these instructions to ensure there is no interference while testing.)


To test candigv2-ingest, from the repo directory, simply run the following command:


Generating json files for test ingest

The script can be used to generate a json files for ingest from an the CanDIG MOHCCN sythetic data repo. The script automatically clones the mohccn-synthetic-data repo and converts the small dataset, saving the json files needed for ingest in the tests directory as small_dataset_clinical_ingest.json and small_dataset_genomic_ingest.json. It then deletes the cloned repo. If validation of the dataset fails, it saves the validation results to the tests/ directory as small_dataset_clinical_ingest_validation_results.json. If you are running this container as part of the CanDIGv2 stack, this data generation is run as part of the make compose-candig-ingest step, so the files may already exist in the lib/candig-ingest/candigv2-ingest/tests directory.

To run:

  • Set up a virtual environment and install requirements (if you haven't already). If running inside the ingest docker container, this shouldn't be needed.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the script with the desired output location and an optional prefix for the identifiers


python -h
usage: [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] --tmp

A script that copies and converts data from mohccn-synthetic-data for ingest into CanDIG platform.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --prefix PREFIX  optional prefix to apply to all identifiers
  --TMP TMP  Directory to temporarily clone the mohccn-synthetic-data repo.