R codes for analyses from the article "Functional niche partitioning occurs over body size but not nutrient reserves nor melanism in a polar carabid beetle along an altitudinal gradient" by Espel D., Coux C., Pertierra L.R., Eymar-Dauphin P, Lembrechts J.J., Renault D. submitted in Insects
The raw data is in the csv file in the /data folder.
In the /scripts directory, the different analyses are organized in separate scripts. For now, the hypervolume analyses remain private, but will be made public as soon as permission is given by collaborators.
The /results folder is meant to store the various figures and tables generated by the analyses once they are executed, and is purposefully left empty.
The hypervolume analysis is separated in 2 : the shorter one is called Hypervolumes.R and runs the analyses for data pooled across altitudes, morphotypes and sexes.
The Hypervolumes_interactions.R runs the same analysis but for the crossed levels of the altitude, morphotype and sex factor variables.
Questions about the R code and analyses can be addressed to either Camille Coux (camille.coux@orange.fr) or Diane Espel (diane.espel@univ-rennes1.fr).
Questions about the sampling and data should be addressed to David Renault (david.renault@univ-rennes1.fr).