Welcome to the World Population Analysis project! This analysis serves as a practical representation of individual skills in data analysis, showcasing the ability to extract meaningful insights from a dataset. Utilizing the dataset from the year 2019, this notebook employs various Python libraries for data manipulation, visualization, and analysis.
- NumPy: A powerful library for numerical operations in Python.
- Pandas: A data manipulation library for handling and analyzing structured data.
- Matplotlib: A widely used plotting library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.
- Seaborn: A statistical data visualization library based on Matplotlib that provides an interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics.
- Plotly Express: A high-level interface for creating expressive and interactive visualizations.
- Plotly Graph Objects: A low-level interface for creating complex and customizable plots.
- Scikit-learn (LabelEncoder): A machine learning library for data preprocessing, including label encoding.
The notebook covers a comprehensive analysis of world population data, showcasing the ability to derive meaningful insights:
Most and Least Populated Countries: Identification and comparison of the most and least populated countries globally.
Continent-wise Analysis: Breakdown of population statistics by continent, including total population, average population, and distribution.
Country-wise Analysis within Each Continent: In-depth analysis of population trends for each country within a continent.
Timeline Analysis: Visualization of population changes over time.
Continent-wise Population Distribution: An interactive plot showcasing the population distribution across continents.
To explore and run the analysis:
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the Jupyter Notebook using a Python environment with the required libraries installed.
- Execute the notebook cells to run the analysis and generate visualizations.
Here are a few examples of visualizations generated by the notebook:
- Aman Gusain
We express our gratitude to the contributors of the Python libraries used in this project and the authors of the dataset for providing valuable insights into world population analysis.
Feel free to explore the notebook and contribute to the development of World Population Analysis! Thank you for your interest in understanding global population trends.