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Releases: CODARcode/Z-checker

Release 0.10.0

11 Oct 19:33
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Replace qcat 1.1 by qcat 1.7

Release 0.9.0

03 Jan 16:57
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Major updates:

  1. Support derivative related metrics (more details can be found in our DRBSD8 paper).
  2. Update qcat to 1.6 version, which support prediction+quantization prototype function (for both CPU and GPU)
    For more detailed changes, please check github log.

Release 0.8.0

14 Dec 01:05
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new features are added or improved:

  • add computation for floating-point entropy
  • improving naming for NetCDF reader and supporting data writing other than data reading.

bug fixes:

  • support a large number of figures shown in the report (related to the setting of maxdeadcycles and \extrafloats)
  • change the complex structure name to avoid potential compilation conflict with hipcc
  • fix a bug about SobolevNorm

Release 0.7.0

17 Jul 13:01
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add delCOmpressorZCConfig.c for z-checker-installer
fix a few bugs (e.g., in ssim.c) and typos

Release 0.6.0

11 Dec 21:10
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In this version of Z-checker:
LibpressioOPT is developed for searching the bestfit error control setting based on user-concerned metric such as compression ratio and PSNR. LibpressioOPT ( is under processing of BSD license copyright, so it is in a private repo now. It can be accessed upon request.
LibpressioOPT has been integrated in Z-checker to search for the best error setting based on specified target compression ratio as a use-case. To enable it, please check z-checker-installer's instruction document.
This corresponding z-checker-installer version also supports more compressors (including FPZIP, MGARD, digit rounding and bit grooming) compared with the previous version 0.5.0.
This version also supports automatic comparison of visual quality of decompressed data based on the same/similar compression ratios.
This version also supports a few more very important metrics such as different versions or formats of derivatives.
Fixed some bugs (please check the git log for details)
Z-checker has been integrated in Spack.

Release 0.5.0

04 Nov 02:05
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Compared with 0.4, this version fixed some bugs, added derivatives, and add the calculation of overall psnr, etc.

Release 0.4.0

13 Dec 03:06
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  1. We developed a convenient interface library (called libpressio) that can be used to call different lossy compressors with the uniform interface. It abstracts the difference among various lossy compressors (SZ, ZFP, MGARD, JPEG, etc).
  2. We integrated libpressio in Z-checker. MGARD is integrated in Z-checker via libpressio. (MGARD is disable in Z-checker by default because of its orders-of-magnitude longer compression times than other com pressors)
  3. hardening the stability and efficiency of Z-checker, by fixing potential bugs (details can be found in the github commit history) and reorganize the pdf z-checker report (with catalog added and better type setting).
  4. Enable Z-checker to support writing integer data types.
  5. Enable Z-checker to support Adios2 (need to install z-checker-installer)

Release 0.3.0

10 Dec 23:00
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  1. Z-checker supports HDF5 completely.
  2. We added more useful functions to Z-checker for users to compare the compression quality among different lossy compressors more easily. For instance, we added options to plot raw data image and decompress ed data images.
  3. Fix some potential bugs

Release 0.2.0

18 Dec 17:50
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Z-checker 0.2.0 is a stable version that passes a series of tests based on different configurations and datasets. The executables (including examples and executable command) in the Z-checker package can be used to do the regression testing. The best testing methods are still using z-checker-installer. We also provided the support of Travis CI for the test of continuous integration. Specifically, it creates an individual working space for each simulation dataset such that its compression assessment results would not be affected by the package update or the assessments of other datasets.

Some new features in 0.2 compared with 0.1 are listed as follows (more details could be referenced according to the commits history)

Web visualization module f SZ has been updated.
fix a bug in computing the entropy for serial version.
fix bugs in CMakelists.txt
revise user guide based on online functions.
add heat distribution MPI code example to demonstrate how to use online functions.
add 2D SSIM calculation.
add/test laplace derivative metric.
remove costly default functions in z-checker-installer, such as autocorrelation.

Version 0.1.3

07 Feb 02:35
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This version updates the memory management, such that the user can use ZC_Finalize() to free all memory simply.