Boyle Library aims to provide the most fundamental numeric implementation for autonomous driving vehicles and robotics. It contains piecewise polynomial functions/curves, sparse matrix, osqp wrapper, convex optimization modules for trajectory generations.
- Modern Linux OS (recommend Arch Linux and Debian 12, but could work on Ubuntu 20.04/22.04),
- gcc >= 12.0.0 or clang > 15.0.0,
- cmake >= 3.25,
- boost >= 1.71.0,
- clangd >= 15.0.0
- clang-format >= 15.0.0.
- clang-tidy >= 15.0.0
- gnuplot (for graphic unit test showing)
Necessary Visual Studio Code Plugins:
- C/C++ Extension Pack,
- CMake Tools,
- clangd,
- Doxygen Document Generator,
- GitLens.
The recommended vscode settings and git configurations are included under directory:
- developers/houchen_li/personal_configs.
- cd to "out/build/linux-gcc-x64/<the relative path of the unit test source code>".
- execute the binary file with an argument "--plot-graph".