A browser-based interface for recording videos and running the Beesbook detection and tracking pipeline.
To enable video recording, follow the setup instructions for bb_imgacquisition (Basler support branch).
Refer to the installation guide: bb_imgacquisition Setup
Download the Beesbook pipeline install script, and run the following command to install all dependencies and configure the environment:
bash install_update_beesbook_pipeline.sh
This script sets up Conda, installs TensorFlow, PyTorch, and all required packages, including bb_pipeline, bb_tracking, and bb_behavior.
conda activate beesbook
pip install git+https://github.com/BioroboticsLab/bb_gui.git
To launch, simply run:
conda activate beesbook
This will start the Streamlit interface and open it in your default web browser.
Since bb_gui wraps streamlit run bb_gui.py, you can pass any Streamlit options, for example:
bb_gui --server.headless true --server.port 8501