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feat: add skia as a renderer (creating abstracting package for canvases) #50

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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion

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68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
<div align="center">
<img src="./assets/header.png"/>

<h1>React Native Draw</h1>

<h3>Cross-platform drawing component for React Native using SVG or Skia.</h3>

![Platform badge](
[![CircleCI Status](](

> **Note:** if you are currently using `@benjeau/react-native-draw` as a dependency, please migrate to either [`@benjeau/react-native-draw-svg`](./packages/svg) or [`@benjeau/react-native-draw-skia`](./packages/skia). It should be a drop-in replacement (depending on the version that you are using), please read the [release notes]( for more information.

## Packages

| Name | Latest Version | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [`@benjeau/react-native-draw-core`](./packages/core) | [![badge](]( | Shared package between `Canvas` implementation (only need to install it to create a new `Canvas` implementation) |
| [`@benjeau/react-native-draw-svg`](./packages/svg) | [![badge](]( | Cross-platform React Native drawing `Canvas` component based on SVG | |
| [`@benjeau/react-native-draw-skia`](./packages/skia) | [![badge](]( | Cross-platform React Native drawing `Canvas` component based on Skia |
| [`@benjeau/react-native-draw-extras`](./packages/extras/) | [![badge](]( | Extra components to complement `Canvas` (e.g. `CanvasControls`, `BrushPreview`, `BrushProperties`, `ColorPicker`) |

## `Canvas` props and ref functions

The following props and ref are shared between all `Canvas` implementations ([`@benjeau/react-native-draw-svg`](./packages/svg) and [`@benjeau/react-native-draw-skia`](./packages/skia)):

> **Note**: implementations of `Canvas` may have additional props

### Props

| name | description | type | default |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| `color` | Color of the brush strokes | `string` | - (required) |
| `thickness` | Thickness of the brush strokes | `number` | - (required) |
| `opacity` | Opacity of the brush strokes | `number` | - (required) |
| `filled` | Whether the path is filled or not | `boolean` | `false` |
| `cap` | The cap of the stroke, shape to be used at the end of open sub paths | `butt` or `round` or `square` | `round` |
| `join` | The join of the stroke, shape to be used at the corners of paths | `bevel` or `miter` or `round` | `round` |
| `initialPaths` | Paths to be already drawn | `PathType[]` | `[]` |
| `height` | Height of the canvas | `number` | height of the window - 80 |
| `width` | Width of the canvas | `number` | width of the window |
| `style` | Override the style of the container of the canvas | `StyleProp` | - |
| `onPathsChange` | Callback function when paths change | `(paths: PathType) => any` | - |
| `eraserSize` | Width of eraser (to compensate for path simplification) | `number` | `5` |
| `tool` | Initial tool of the canvas | `brush` or `eraser` | `brush` |
| `combineWithLatestPath` | Combine current path with the last path if it's the same color, thickness, and opacity | `boolean` | `false` |
| `shareStrokeProperties` | Make all the strokes on the canvas share the same properties (color, thickness, opacity, filled, cap, join) | `boolean` | `false` |
| `touchDisabled` | Disable touch events on the canvas | `boolean` | `false` |

### Ref functions

| name | description | type |
| ---------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `undo` | Undo last brush stroke | `() => void` |
| `clear` | Remove all brush strokes | `() => void` |
| `getPaths` | Get brush strokes data | `() => PathType[]` |
| `addPath` | Append a path to the current drawing paths | `(path: PathType) => void` |
| `addPaths` | Append multiple paths to the current drawing paths | `(paths: PathType[]) => void` |
| `setPaths` | Replace current drawing paths with new ones | `(paths: PathType[]) => void` |
| `getSvg` | Get SVG path string of the drawing | `() => string` |

## Contributing

See the [contributing guide]( to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

## License

Binary file removed assets/drawingExample.gif
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added assets/header.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions example/android/app/_BUCK
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# To learn about Buck see [Docs](
# To run your application with Buck:
# - install Buck
# - `npm start` - to start the packager
# - `cd android`
# - `keytool -genkey -v -keystore keystores/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"`
# - `./gradlew :app:copyDownloadableDepsToLibs` - make all Gradle compile dependencies available to Buck
# - `buck install -r android/app` - compile, install and run application

load(":build_defs.bzl", "create_aar_targets", "create_jar_targets")

lib_deps = []



name = "all-libs",
exported_deps = lib_deps,

name = "app-code",
srcs = glob([
deps = [

name = "build_config",
package = "com.drawexample",

name = "res",
package = "com.drawexample",
res = "src/main/res",

name = "app",
keystore = "//android/keystores:debug",
manifest = "src/main/AndroidManifest.xml",
package_type = "debug",
deps = [
227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions example/android/app/build.gradle
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
apply plugin: ""


* The react.gradle file registers a task for each build variant (e.g. bundleDebugJsAndAssets
* and bundleReleaseJsAndAssets).
* These basically call `react-native bundle` with the correct arguments during the Android build
* cycle. By default, bundleDebugJsAndAssets is skipped, as in debug/dev mode we prefer to load the
* bundle directly from the development server. Below you can see all the possible configurations
* and their defaults. If you decide to add a configuration block, make sure to add it before the
* `apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native/react.gradle"` line.
* project.ext.react = [
* // the name of the generated asset file containing your JS bundle
* bundleAssetName: "",
* // the entry file for bundle generation. If none specified and
* // "" exists, it will be used. Otherwise "index.js" is
* // default. Can be overridden with ENTRY_FILE environment variable.
* entryFile: "",
* //
* bundleCommand: "ram-bundle",
* // whether to bundle JS and assets in debug mode
* bundleInDebug: false,
* // whether to bundle JS and assets in release mode
* bundleInRelease: true,
* // whether to bundle JS and assets in another build variant (if configured).
* // See
* // The configuration property can be in the following formats
* // 'bundleIn${productFlavor}${buildType}'
* // 'bundleIn${buildType}'
* // bundleInFreeDebug: true,
* // bundleInPaidRelease: true,
* // bundleInBeta: true,
* // whether to disable dev mode in custom build variants (by default only disabled in release)
* // for example: to disable dev mode in the staging build type (if configured)
* devDisabledInStaging: true,
* // The configuration property can be in the following formats
* // 'devDisabledIn${productFlavor}${buildType}'
* // 'devDisabledIn${buildType}'
* // the root of your project, i.e. where "package.json" lives
* root: "../../",
* // where to put the JS bundle asset in debug mode
* jsBundleDirDebug: "$buildDir/intermediates/assets/debug",
* // where to put the JS bundle asset in release mode
* jsBundleDirRelease: "$buildDir/intermediates/assets/release",
* // where to put drawable resources / React Native assets, e.g. the ones you use via
* // require('./image.png')), in debug mode
* resourcesDirDebug: "$buildDir/intermediates/res/merged/debug",
* // where to put drawable resources / React Native assets, e.g. the ones you use via
* // require('./image.png')), in release mode
* resourcesDirRelease: "$buildDir/intermediates/res/merged/release",
* // by default the gradle tasks are skipped if none of the JS files or assets change; this means
* // that we don't look at files in android/ or ios/ to determine whether the tasks are up to
* // date; if you have any other folders that you want to ignore for performance reasons (gradle
* // indexes the entire tree), add them here. Alternatively, if you have JS files in android/
* // for example, you might want to remove it from here.
* inputExcludes: ["android/**", "ios/**"],
* // override which node gets called and with what additional arguments
* nodeExecutableAndArgs: ["node"],
* // supply additional arguments to the packager
* extraPackagerArgs: []
* ]

project.ext.react = [
enableHermes: false, // clean and rebuild if changing

apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native/react.gradle"

* Set this to true to create two separate APKs instead of one:
* - An APK that only works on ARM devices
* - An APK that only works on x86 devices
* The advantage is the size of the APK is reduced by about 4MB.
* Upload all the APKs to the Play Store and people will download
* the correct one based on the CPU architecture of their device.
def enableSeparateBuildPerCPUArchitecture = false

* Run Proguard to shrink the Java bytecode in release builds.
def enableProguardInReleaseBuilds = false

* The preferred build flavor of JavaScriptCore.
* For example, to use the international variant, you can use:
* `def jscFlavor = 'org.webkit:android-jsc-intl:+'`
* The international variant includes ICU i18n library and necessary data
* allowing to use e.g. `Date.toLocaleString` and `String.localeCompare` that
* give correct results when using with locales other than en-US. Note that
* this variant is about 6MiB larger per architecture than default.
def jscFlavor = 'org.webkit:android-jsc:+'

* Whether to enable the Hermes VM.
* This should be set on project.ext.react and mirrored here. If it is not set
* on project.ext.react, JavaScript will not be compiled to Hermes Bytecode
* and the benefits of using Hermes will therefore be sharply reduced.
def enableHermes = project.ext.react.get("enableHermes", false);

* Architectures to build native code for in debug.
def nativeArchitectures = project.getProperties().get("reactNativeDebugArchitectures")

android {
ndkVersion rootProject.ext.ndkVersion

compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion

defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.drawexample"
minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
splits {
abi {
enable enableSeparateBuildPerCPUArchitecture
universalApk false // If true, also generate a universal APK
include "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"
signingConfigs {
debug {
storeFile file('debug.keystore')
storePassword 'android'
keyAlias 'androiddebugkey'
keyPassword 'android'
buildTypes {
debug {
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
if (nativeArchitectures) {
ndk {
abiFilters nativeArchitectures.split(',')
release {
// Caution! In production, you need to generate your own keystore file.
// see
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
minifyEnabled enableProguardInReleaseBuilds
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), ""

// applicationVariants are e.g. debug, release
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.each { output ->
// For each separate APK per architecture, set a unique version code as described here:
// Example: versionCode 1 will generate 1001 for armeabi-v7a, 1002 for x86, etc.
def versionCodes = ["armeabi-v7a": 1, "x86": 2, "arm64-v8a": 3, "x86_64": 4]
def abi = output.getFilter(OutputFile.ABI)
if (abi != null) { // null for the universal-debug, universal-release variants
output.versionCodeOverride =
defaultConfig.versionCode * 1000 + versionCodes.get(abi)


dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
//noinspection GradleDynamicVersion
implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:+" // From node_modules

implementation "androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.0.0"

debugImplementation("com.facebook.flipper:flipper:${FLIPPER_VERSION}") {
exclude group:'com.facebook.fbjni'

debugImplementation("com.facebook.flipper:flipper-network-plugin:${FLIPPER_VERSION}") {
exclude group:'com.facebook.flipper'
exclude group:'com.squareup.okhttp3', module:'okhttp'

debugImplementation("com.facebook.flipper:flipper-fresco-plugin:${FLIPPER_VERSION}") {
exclude group:'com.facebook.flipper'

if (enableHermes) {
def hermesPath = "../../node_modules/hermes-engine/android/";
debugImplementation files(hermesPath + "hermes-debug.aar")
releaseImplementation files(hermesPath + "hermes-release.aar")
} else {
implementation jscFlavor

// Run this once to be able to run the application with BUCK
// puts all compile dependencies into folder libs for BUCK to use
task copyDownloadableDepsToLibs(type: Copy) {
from configurations.implementation
into 'libs'

apply from: file("../../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/native_modules.gradle"); applyNativeModulesAppBuildGradle(project)
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions example/android/app/build_defs.bzl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"""Helper definitions to glob .aar and .jar targets"""

def create_aar_targets(aarfiles):
for aarfile in aarfiles:
name = "aars__" + aarfile[aarfile.rindex("/") + 1:aarfile.rindex(".aar")]
lib_deps.append(":" + name)
name = name,
aar = aarfile,

def create_jar_targets(jarfiles):
for jarfile in jarfiles:
name = "jars__" + jarfile[jarfile.rindex("/") + 1:jarfile.rindex(".jar")]
lib_deps.append(":" + name)
name = name,
binary_jar = jarfile,
Binary file added example/android/app/debug.keystore
Binary file not shown.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions example/android/app/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
# in /usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/24.3.3/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
# You can edit the include path and order by changing the proguardFiles
# directive in build.gradle.
# For more details, see

# Add any project specific keep options here: