A simple Reminders App using Python
Latest Release Notes: v1.0.2 Release Notes
- Background Service - To serve notifications to the user even if the app is closed, as long as background_service.py is running.
- Tkinter-based Main App - For an easy-to-use user interface.
- JSON File - For saving user reminders easily.
- Audio File - For Use as Notification Sound
- This app is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- The contents of this repository are protected under copyright. See LICENSE for more details.
Note: Filenames shown here are not a recommendation, but are what they need to be named for the program to function as intended.
- Open your coding program
- In the terminal, type "pip install plyer playsound==1.2.2 runpy tkinter json datetime"
- Download the file "notif.mp3" from this repository in your DOCUMENTS folder. (To download, go to the file and click "Download Raw")
- Create a Python file named "todo_app.py" in your DOCUMENTS folder.
- Copy and paste the contents from "todo_app.py" in this repository to your file.
- Save the file.
- Create a Python file named "background_service.py" in your DOCUMENTS folder.
- Copy and paste the contents from "background_service.py" in this repository to your file.
- Save the file.
- Create a JSON file named "reminders_app_data.json" in your DOCUMENTS folder.
- In the file, write [ ]
- Save the file.
- To run, first run "todo_app.py". Then, open another Terminal instance and run "background_service.py".