HeartBD2K Center of Excellence
[on GitHub] (https://github.com/UCLA-BD2K)
The HeartBD2K Center develops an Integrated Platform for big data science aiming to fundamentally alter biomedical research culture to enable full employment of technological modeling innovations, such as crowdsourcing to biomedical Big Data analysis. The goal of this center is to democratize data research to include non-computational scientists and individuals and to apply innovative global community-driven data integration and modeling methods to address challenges involved in the study of protein structure, function, and networks with a focus on cardiovascular research.
Video demo: Youtube
Heart2heart is a cardiovascular fitness app for Android mobile. Using Heart2heart we can engage a large cohort of citizen scientists to provide us with cardiovascular health and behavioral data. Heart2heart offers a unique service to users by letting two or more runners train or race together anywhere in the world, making sure they are paced together in real time and thus providing them both with a great source of camaraderie and motivation. Because no other running app offers this feature, Heart2heart is uniquely suited to bring non-scientists into the realm of big data and get them motivated and excited to contribute.
Heart2heart was the winner of the 1st BD2K Hackathon in 2015.