- Viliam Alakša
- Juraj Budai
- Martin Kubečka
- Juraj Lapčák
- Ľubomír Ševčík
- potrebna lokalna Elasticsearch (v 6.0.0 recommended) instancia na localhost:9200
- potrebna Java 8/11 a vyssie
- vsetky tutorialy potrebne k instalacii su v req.txt, ale podrobnejsie postupy a mozne problemy s instalaciou su popisane v Dokumentacia
- Spark 3.1.1
- Kubernetes v1.25.2
- minikube v1.28.0
Aký typ architektúry používa Docker?
- Peer-to-peer
- Klient-Server
- Event-driven
charts_smaller.csv is a modified dataset of a complete dataset of all the "Top 200" and "Viral 50" chart published globally by Spotify. Available at Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/dhruvildave/spotify-charts